Sunday, June 24, 2012

Another Great Day in the Life

Spent a very productive day with Terria and evening with my family and my adorable grand baby Aubrey. A very casual Saturday for us , a trip to the gym in the morning, a breakfast date with my wife Terria and a visit to see my mom  after a quick visit to to see Aubrey for about 30 minutes prior to the visit with mom.  The visit with my mom was good and prompted me to go to the gym again for round 2 and a trip to the pool for a cool down and a 30 minute session in the water. All went well and headed home to get ready for a dinner date with Terria, April, Tim and brother Richard in Simi at the Elephant bar. Upon arriving home from the pool Terria informs me that we are having a guest joining us for dinner and was on her way as we were speaking of it. Mandy was bringing the baby over for us to babysit while she went to the airport to pick up her mother from the airport, I was very happy to hear the great news, showered and awaited her arrival. We loaded her in the car and headed East towards Simi for dinner and time with the family.  we drove ,we ate, we came home and relaxed with the baby and had a great time of it.Talking to an  yet unresponsive 4 1/2 month old baby,well as much response as you get from a newborn anyway,it is a real test of whatever it is a test of, a test of too much cuteness or something that just makes you melt with love and admiration for one of Gods great creations. Aubrey thinks Grandpa is funny because she always laughs at my ridiculous thoughts and songs that prompt that what the hell are you thinking look from her each and every time I start singing my jibberish to her. I have more pictures in my phone of Aubrey than I can even count, videos and all the Phones library is consumed with Aubrey as is Terria's phone!

So it was an amazing day and we spent the day with doing good things with wonderful people and truly enjoying another amazing sunny day in the Nard. Tomorrow is another question all together, don't have clue one as to what we will do tomorrow? Maybe a road trip after the gym in the morning we shall see. I was able to convince Terria that we drive to Dallas,Austin and Houston next month instead of fly, I love driving and the price of flying is out of hand and won't have to rent a car this way, so the money we save can go to buying gifts and stuff from the trip. Terria and her Josh Hamilton we will try to catch 3-4 Rangers games in Arlington and for me the trip to Dallas will allow me the chance to visit JFK's assassination spot of Dealey Plaza, being a history buff and a reader of historical books and non fiction makes this trip even more important for me from an historical and intrigue point of view . We will actually be going to Austin to see the great "u of Texas" and to enjoy that really cool city from what I hear and have read about. THen head south east to Houston to capture the great Astrodome in all its grandeur and historical greatness, hope I" can get in and take a peek! We will then head to Dallas and downtown for my historical look at Kennedy's death place and then head  to the suburbs and catch some Rangers games in the hot Texas July Heat , which will be a test of fortitude if not balls of steel to try to beat the heat in Texas in the summertime...good luck with that project right? Hoping Terria gets cleared from her Achilles strain and that the leg will be healed for the most part and get the boot off the foot for a more comfortable stride and coolness! So that's the plan for now and truly enjoying the first parts of summer so far, Terria off from teaching for another 2 months so we have options her, a great place to be for sure... Great Times!

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