Monday, June 4, 2012

The Great Steve Jobs

Reading the latest book on the Late Steve Jobs and nearly finished with it, since I have used Apple products the past 4 years exclusively I figured read about he man who's legend seems to be larger than life. After owning my 3rd Apple laptop and iphone,Ipod and Ipad the name and product are definitely a quality product and worth every penny people will spend for them. As I type this from my Macbook Air I appreciate the quality and precision that an Apple product possesses and gives me with each stroke. As for Jobs, his name and book are amazing and yet feel a sadness for a man who never really figured kindness into his everyday, his drive and ambition were centered on changing the world and making a name for himself through his electronic creations. I always wonder how these minds work and always rise to the challenges that running a company will bring in the way of pressures, deadlines and expectations from the adoring public that continues to buy the products from the company he created in his garage!

The book shows me how truly pathetic he could be and yet how he could manage so many positive creations with his talents and management skills.  The poster boy for Narcissistic behavior he was so shut off from emotional attraction to anything other than his own views and opinions, the realties he created even when they weren't there were somewhat scary and to watch him evolve and take risks all the while creating well made, no corners cut products of perfection. The book has enabled me to see the evolution of a truly remarkable series of products and the evolutionary mindset to create and evolve constantly being a visionary to things that people never thought could exist with technology. The family man and creator of some really nice scenarios both with his personal and professional life all the while being a total ass in some situations both to colleagues and to family. A very complex mind who never took well enough to be good enough, work ethic and quality control along with the mind of the great innovators of our time. This book is one of the best reads so far in my life, well written and seemingly pulls no punches in accuracy as far as what reviewers and people who knew him have said.   So down to the last 100 pages of this great read and feel like another death of Steve Jobs will occur as I read the last page, each and every innivative product that has come up the road and the latest and greatest innovation waiting to be created post Jobs era will be very interesting to wait for. I will resume this book after I post this on my site and hope to finish it up tonight  and start yet another fine read as soon as it comes to me. But must share and enjoy the L.A Kings victory tonight in the Stanley Cup finals after their 4-0 victory tonight and taking a 3 games to love series lead, we hope that Wednesday will be the final game and the Kings can bring a Stanley Cup To LA and match the Lakers, Dodgers, Bruins and Trojans, don't really count the Angels as local team, being american league and not real Baseball in the A. L  ,so As I laugh aloud at that statement I move on to the rest of my evening and grab by Book and finish it up hopefully tonight, if not, at Work tomorrow. Good Night and Good Times!

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