Monday, June 25, 2012

Pain, Strains and Gain

I do have some goodness in my heart and some heaviness as well tonight! Had a fun evenng celebrating a young lady's 20th birthday dinner at their home, it was nice and we had a great meal and some good laughs. Tomorrow brings us a dinner date with Brad"happy in my heart" Holland in the Valley for Pizza and some reminiscing about the good old days of riding motorcycles fast and playing even harder, this will be a great meet with our friend! Really miss the guy and look so forward to sharing the night with many many good thoughts and laughs. Now the sadness part comes from TY and Mandy, still trying to find their way as a young married couple with a young baby, this will take time but in the meantime will drive me nuts as they continue to miss the plot and lose their way amongst the rational thinking people around them. This does worry me and Aubrey has no choice in the matter , so I sit back and wait to spring into action at a moments notice if need be, I'm hoping and praying that need never comes to fruition. So I wait and worry and  think about my baby and her fate with parents that don't quite get it ...yet! So i send off this evening with a sad story reading sports illustrated story on Junior SEau suicide in May and then try to get some sleep for tomorrows workday.... Good Fricking Night

"Skin Turns Blue" - Primitive Radio Gods. An Old Fave Of Mine

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Another Great Day in the Life

Spent a very productive day with Terria and evening with my family and my adorable grand baby Aubrey. A very casual Saturday for us , a trip to the gym in the morning, a breakfast date with my wife Terria and a visit to see my mom  after a quick visit to to see Aubrey for about 30 minutes prior to the visit with mom.  The visit with my mom was good and prompted me to go to the gym again for round 2 and a trip to the pool for a cool down and a 30 minute session in the water. All went well and headed home to get ready for a dinner date with Terria, April, Tim and brother Richard in Simi at the Elephant bar. Upon arriving home from the pool Terria informs me that we are having a guest joining us for dinner and was on her way as we were speaking of it. Mandy was bringing the baby over for us to babysit while she went to the airport to pick up her mother from the airport, I was very happy to hear the great news, showered and awaited her arrival. We loaded her in the car and headed East towards Simi for dinner and time with the family.  we drove ,we ate, we came home and relaxed with the baby and had a great time of it.Talking to an  yet unresponsive 4 1/2 month old baby,well as much response as you get from a newborn anyway,it is a real test of whatever it is a test of, a test of too much cuteness or something that just makes you melt with love and admiration for one of Gods great creations. Aubrey thinks Grandpa is funny because she always laughs at my ridiculous thoughts and songs that prompt that what the hell are you thinking look from her each and every time I start singing my jibberish to her. I have more pictures in my phone of Aubrey than I can even count, videos and all the Phones library is consumed with Aubrey as is Terria's phone!

So it was an amazing day and we spent the day with doing good things with wonderful people and truly enjoying another amazing sunny day in the Nard. Tomorrow is another question all together, don't have clue one as to what we will do tomorrow? Maybe a road trip after the gym in the morning we shall see. I was able to convince Terria that we drive to Dallas,Austin and Houston next month instead of fly, I love driving and the price of flying is out of hand and won't have to rent a car this way, so the money we save can go to buying gifts and stuff from the trip. Terria and her Josh Hamilton we will try to catch 3-4 Rangers games in Arlington and for me the trip to Dallas will allow me the chance to visit JFK's assassination spot of Dealey Plaza, being a history buff and a reader of historical books and non fiction makes this trip even more important for me from an historical and intrigue point of view . We will actually be going to Austin to see the great "u of Texas" and to enjoy that really cool city from what I hear and have read about. THen head south east to Houston to capture the great Astrodome in all its grandeur and historical greatness, hope I" can get in and take a peek! We will then head to Dallas and downtown for my historical look at Kennedy's death place and then head  to the suburbs and catch some Rangers games in the hot Texas July Heat , which will be a test of fortitude if not balls of steel to try to beat the heat in Texas in the summertime...good luck with that project right? Hoping Terria gets cleared from her Achilles strain and that the leg will be healed for the most part and get the boot off the foot for a more comfortable stride and coolness! So that's the plan for now and truly enjoying the first parts of summer so far, Terria off from teaching for another 2 months so we have options her, a great place to be for sure... Great Times!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Maybe Texas

The week is nearly over and feeling a little tired right now, back from a late night in San diego last night and a Padre /Ranger game with Terria  so she, we could watch Josh Hamilton do his thing. A very nice drive to the ballpark in the gaslamp district and made good time for the 335 pm start time. The game was over at 630 and we headed homeward around 7 and hit very little traffic on the way home. Stopped off in San Juan Capistrano for dinner and made it home around 1130 pm and then shut it down for the night. Terria is off from school as of last Friday and look forward to a carefree travel filled summer and just overall good times with my wife.

Trying to convince Terria to drive to Dallas and Austin, even Houston on the way to Arlington to watch more Rangers games and spend some quality time watching and exploring baseball and the state of Texas. Actually really want to visit Dealey Plaza and see that historical site along with the games and the Astrodome in Houston. Ready for a good weekend, can't really say whats on the docket but whatever it is ,it aint working ! Tired tonight , Terria just got home from a Chumash trip with her sister and won $212 at the nickel slots! Along with a Kenny Loggins concert had a great day and evening with her big sister!! So off to bed here in a  few and ready for a Friday work shift of easiness, trying to wake up in 6 hours might not be so easy though. Good Night, Great Times!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Ray Stevens - "Everything Is Beautiful" (1970)

As I held my grand daughter Aubrey this evening, feeding her and watching her fall asleep in my arms I could only think of this song and feel good about life and living in a world where such a beautiful creation can be held by a mere mortal such as myself and grandma. I am so blessed to hold this precious baby in my arms and I swell with pride and how awesome it is to be alive and well in the world where she lives....AMAZING!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Apple Bug

The Apple bug had bit me again, the latest and greatest Macbook's are out and it's like a kid in a candy factory around here with all of the great stuff that I'm salivating over as we speak.  The late great Steve Jobs has left his company in more that capable hands and for that I'm ok with the dude being able to relax wherever he is relaxing these days. Anyway the newest Apple's are amazing and I am feeling the want, not the need to get the lates and the greatest, almost as if it were a motorcycle and I was doing that all over again, But regardless I am doing a test run on Terrias Apple now and really loving the Macbooks keyboard and feel of the backlit keys and raised platform that My Macbook air does not have. choices choices choices and they are all great ones in regards to the Apple products that came out yesterday. So the test run on this platform is done and I'm loving it to death here or maybe Dying a slow one trying to figure out if and which one one I should get, either way it's all good and time to get some rest after that long winded Dodger Game last night, they did win tonight and the Kings are world Champs , the OKC Thunder beat the Heat tonight so it is a great sports week so far and an even greater month and year, school ending for Terria on Friday and so many plans for the summer which we are trying to organize in our minds and on our Expedia and Travelocity. Good night

Sunday, June 10, 2012

9-11 Phenomenon

A must watch series of more video documentation of how the 9-11 debacle was created by our own government and covered up, we then try to justify our involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan by our departed idiot ex president Bush. Never believed the Govt explanation by the commission and never will believe most of what comes from that commission or any subsequent Government trying to cover their tracks. Somebody made money on the devastation and the wars that followed. Please watch the videos I posted, the evidence speaks for itself, I won't say another word on the subject, the evidence Will do that for everybody

911 In Plane Site - ALL MEDIA LIED ON 9/11! Whitehouse Phone number-20...

Pilots For 9/11 Truth Presents "9/11 INTERCEPTED" - (Full Film) MUST WA...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Need A Damn Book To Read

Went to Barnes and Noble this evening to try to find a follow up book for the Steve Jobs book I just finished, damn what a task this has been you'd think finding a good book in a good bookstore should be relatively easy right? wrong there was so much crap and none of the favorite authors I read have anything remotely new or anything that I haven't already read. Ugh this sucks I have really fallen in love with reading again and may have to dig up an old favorite to re read and give me something to do besides spew my nonsensical gibberish on my site here. So here I type away and trying to dig up an old author, something that will pique my interests again and get me back to reading about something passionate, besides sports that is, and besides the Damn fundamentalist that have made me ill when I hear or read the bullshit they spread. Anyway it is a good mid week break from the monotony of sitting down to my good books but truly wished I had something to dive into tonight.  So I'm thinking I'll take my Apple to my room and do some book shopping in the hope that something will jump out at me and allow to make the magic find. Tomorrow is Thursday and a weekend of nothing on the horizons awaits us, maybe a day trip for some Clam Chowder in Pismo Beach?? I don't know  but whatever we do it will be a relaxing something or other regardless. Goodnight and the standard Good Times! salute

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Our Boy Goes Home And Another Book Finished

Today was an interesting morning, Our Boy Braz was laying on the couch as we were off to work, I hugged him goodbye as I was ready to drive to work, he rolled over from a dead sleep and I told him I was very proud of the man that he has become and thanked him for spending so much time with us on his liberty from his duty station in Hawaii. we said our goodbyes and I drove away with tears in my eyes, kissed my wonderful wife and maintained a cloudy view of sadness and a sense of happiness that our boy made it home from Afghanistan somewhat safely, having been blown up 3 times by roadside bombs and being struck twice by bullets from the enemy, thankfully Kevlar saved his life each time and he laughs it off and shrugs his shoulders and says "those pussies can't shoot for shit" So Brazman flew out tonight back to Hawaii and back to work tomorrow. We had a great time with him and the families, we spent more time with him than anybody else and appreciated the fact that he slept on his old hide a-bed couch that he wanted for his room when he was a young teenager, so we left it out for hm to use on this return trip. As a Parent a sense of relief was felt as we knew that as a 20 year old man he has seen things and done things that none of us will ever understand and we won't ever try to, this is his world to live in and it' s a scary place to be for him and the thousands of others soldiers who go through the grind each deployment in the war zone. So Braz , we are very proud of you Son, thankful that God protected you this trip and allowed you to come home to us to enjoy your presence, see you in December and take that 21st birthday trip to Vegas this winter time, much love Daddy G. And Momma T

As I write this I just put down the Steve Jobs Book by Walter Isaacson, a complete masterpiece, all 571 pages of fact filled information and drama were amazing reading to say the least. Amazing how a blessed man and gifted man can be so deficient in personality and humanistic and social skills in dealing with the common mind, most of the time seeking out perfection as he saw it and never relenting til everybody else was on his same page...perfection can never be attained, but getting your way and calling it perfection were his modus operandi. The man was a real creep to work for, but his savvy and innovative skills were the overcompensation that made him the best creator and business man ever. The book touched on many of his ideas from computers to iphones and ipods all world changers for sure but the way he got there and the ways he drove his people to find that extra gear towards perfection still helps to make Apple the company that it is today. A great read and a recommendation to all to try to understand the complex man that Steve Jobs was and still has left the legacy of great innovation behind to the current crew of geniuses at Apple. Now the task of finding my next book to read  and that it won't be easy to find something this dynamic, whatever book I read next will make it seem like the guy who replaces, Larry Bird ,or Magic Johnson, not to mention Michael Jordan, a tough book to follow up but I will find one and for that I must head off to Amazon to do a search now, Goodnight and good Times ahead

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Great Steve Jobs

Reading the latest book on the Late Steve Jobs and nearly finished with it, since I have used Apple products the past 4 years exclusively I figured read about he man who's legend seems to be larger than life. After owning my 3rd Apple laptop and iphone,Ipod and Ipad the name and product are definitely a quality product and worth every penny people will spend for them. As I type this from my Macbook Air I appreciate the quality and precision that an Apple product possesses and gives me with each stroke. As for Jobs, his name and book are amazing and yet feel a sadness for a man who never really figured kindness into his everyday, his drive and ambition were centered on changing the world and making a name for himself through his electronic creations. I always wonder how these minds work and always rise to the challenges that running a company will bring in the way of pressures, deadlines and expectations from the adoring public that continues to buy the products from the company he created in his garage!

The book shows me how truly pathetic he could be and yet how he could manage so many positive creations with his talents and management skills.  The poster boy for Narcissistic behavior he was so shut off from emotional attraction to anything other than his own views and opinions, the realties he created even when they weren't there were somewhat scary and to watch him evolve and take risks all the while creating well made, no corners cut products of perfection. The book has enabled me to see the evolution of a truly remarkable series of products and the evolutionary mindset to create and evolve constantly being a visionary to things that people never thought could exist with technology. The family man and creator of some really nice scenarios both with his personal and professional life all the while being a total ass in some situations both to colleagues and to family. A very complex mind who never took well enough to be good enough, work ethic and quality control along with the mind of the great innovators of our time. This book is one of the best reads so far in my life, well written and seemingly pulls no punches in accuracy as far as what reviewers and people who knew him have said.   So down to the last 100 pages of this great read and feel like another death of Steve Jobs will occur as I read the last page, each and every innivative product that has come up the road and the latest and greatest innovation waiting to be created post Jobs era will be very interesting to wait for. I will resume this book after I post this on my site and hope to finish it up tonight  and start yet another fine read as soon as it comes to me. But must share and enjoy the L.A Kings victory tonight in the Stanley Cup finals after their 4-0 victory tonight and taking a 3 games to love series lead, we hope that Wednesday will be the final game and the Kings can bring a Stanley Cup To LA and match the Lakers, Dodgers, Bruins and Trojans, don't really count the Angels as local team, being american league and not real Baseball in the A. L  ,so As I laugh aloud at that statement I move on to the rest of my evening and grab by Book and finish it up hopefully tonight, if not, at Work tomorrow. Good Night and Good Times!