Monday, April 30, 2012

The Way It Is

I can talk about how fortunate I am these days but it seems to be redundant and rather boorish, so I won't ,i will figure another avenue of interest and go with that for now. Dreams seem to speak volumes to me, for some reason I dream a little these days about things and people that are somewhat insignificant in my life but somehow pop up and seem to be in my dreams. Coworkers and distant friend, people I run into at the gym and old high school folks, whatever it is they seem to be there. Maybe the mind working overtime or not working enough, whatever the case may be the cases of Deja Vu have been re-occurring over and over and it seems like I've been here , or done that before. When my clutch heated up and we pulled over at the side of the road at Dodgers Stadium Saturday night, i had been there before and dreamed of a similar occurrence weeks earlier, allot of that kind of thing going on with me these days. I will manage and figure it out, maybe a trip to Michael to revisit the dream phenomena, could be something, might not be!

As for the rest of my being, we have Baby Aubrey and Mandy staying with us for a bit and wait and see what happens with Ty the tornado and his never ending bout with anger management...good luck with that right !!!!  We do love having the baby home and we get to love and adore her the way she needs to be loved, so innocent and thrown into this tumultuous world, no less the drama from her parents which we will never truly understand, it's a nightmare being relived for Terria and she had already been there with this type of treatment from Ty's father, so the falling apple and the tree thing applies here and coupled with the Narcissism that has invaded his soul it's even more difficult, being that nothing he does will ever be his doing or accountability is out the window, so bad, but Aubrey is stuck in this whirlwind and we have to sit back and let it happen....For Now! Just waiting for the day when i call that kid out and tap his ass out because he wants to be the tough guy and mistreat his wife and child! Wait and See I suppose?

On the happy front we are all doing well in our camp, the life we wanted is now in place , we love , we travel and do things that middle aged people are supposed to do. I'm not waiting until I am retired to start doing these things, I want to do things when I am young and vibrant and can get around and do the things that younger people do now! We have more plans on the horizon of places and people and fun things for us, we've raised our kids and it's our time to spend our time and efforts on us.  The spontaneous trip to Portland was a series of things we have planned for the year. We have a trip to Salt Lake City for Superbike racing the end of May, the mid June we are celebrating our 11ty anniversary in San Diego to watch Terrias Josh Hamilton and the Rangers play the Padres. We know we will be in Dallas and later Ft Sill OK. going to Ty's graduation from Basic training but will fly into Dallas and tour that city before and after we hit OK. I have always wanted to visit Dealey Plaza , the spot where JFK was assassinated and the outlying  areas of the greater Dallas area, next trip we explore Austin Texas and all that it has to offer, which from what I hear I is a LOT! So I reneged on  "Being Fortunate " Spiel of my and shared a bit of whats going on beside the drama and trauma of young and dumb kids that we call our own. Hey , this hot off the presses, Brandon broke up with his Girlfriend and for this I commend him, we both really didn't care for her too much and questioned why he would be with such a negative and boring girl who was so needy. but whatever the case may be  Brandon is better alone and working on himself and getting through school and starting his life and other facets of his being. for now the goodness continues and I don't plan on slowing down the trail of happiness and sharing with my wonderful Terria as long as we have days to do so

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