Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Give It To Twitter

I had a boatload of issues that were bothering me and keeping them bottled up inside, with the exception of Terria I shared them with nobody but us. The workplace and my co-workers has continually been sliding backwards, not to mention the private lives of some of my buds here on base. But rather than fill this page up with fervor and anger and an unloading of sorts, I chose to vent thses issues on Twitter, 140 characters at a time and feeling good about my choice to leave it there.  So as I scratch my head and continue to care about the shit and the lives of others that I can't fix, mend or prevent the train wreck from happening,I sit back and wait for the BOOM! of the dynamite and will deal with the fragmentations later!

But HEY!! on the good news front, we get baby Aubrey for a few hours tonight to ourselves, YEAY! I say, been about 3 days since we last held our little baby and miss her very very much. So I will leave with this positive and know that our little girl gives both Terria and I more reasons to smile each and every day. We are blessed and I will continue to work on myself and keep myself  focused on the tasks at hand, staying happy, healthy and prosperous for the years ahead!

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