Tuesday, April 3, 2012

So Much Goodness Shared

Back in the saddle again and feeling like doing a little writing about the past week or so. Just getting back from spring training baseball in Arizona and really had a great time with Terria and Brandon , had the chance to watch 6 games in 4 days and overloads of Baseball are not a bad thing, the weather cooperated fully and gave us weather in the 80's...yes, very good times! Upon arriving home we were treated to the presence of our precious little grand daughter Aubrey Sue as we call her, so damn cute and such a great little bundle of joy. Don't know that I've been this excited since I became a father with Brandon over 26 years ago. Thanks Ty and Mandy for being generous with our little Baby Aubrey , she is such a joy and a real bundle of love giving and love received back as well.

Back to work this Monday after a week off and glad to be back on schedule with goals and places to be and less fly by the seat of the pants. Visit Michael tomorrow with Terria at 8 am and look forward to the visit to catch up on the goings on in our world and the constant growth and realities of our loves that we work on each and every day.  Not much goes on these days without some sort of reflection on where we have been in our journey to the peacefulness that we so deeply deserve and long to feel each day. Life tries to take over and things evolve so we must do the same to keep up the pace and not be left behind. Emotionally and spiritually, we are stronger better people with a better understanding of what life means. I thank God for the strength that we are given to live and love and share the goodness with the ones we love, the days are short and the nights even shorter and we still wake up somewhat refreshed at the thoughts of taking on a new day together. Braz is officially out of Jalalabad Afghanistan and in a safe zone awaiting transport back to his homeport of Hawai Easter Sunday we hope, we will then be able to enjoy his company in May timeframe as he ventures home for leave and shares himself with the many family members that love and missed him over the past year. So much has gone on this past year for him and he has many personal wounds that will hopefully be dealt with properly. So much to think about and so much work to be done. We are all blessed and thankful that we are happy ,healthy people who have fallen and risen again and live another day to enjoy all that life has to give...even if we have to grab it from the face of defeat. Good Times always ahead and the positive thoughts and emotions that make it so much easier for all of us to get through the cold cruel world and all of it's  negativity. We are Good to go!

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