Monday, April 23, 2012


Just back from Portland and a quick turnaround trip for a Donut, a pizza pie and some really cool shopping at the Saturday waterfront shopping area. The times were spent with my Honey driving that long drive never complaining about anything just enjoyig the drive and the conversatins that ensued. After attending Brandons poetry award ceremony at the College last week It sparked an old poetry bug brewing in me, I was inspired to take a few more swings at the poems and prose of yesterday. Really enjoyed my trip north with Terria and actually missed a perfect game in Seattle , which we would have attended had it been a night game or a later start but as it turned out we were not able to get there in time for the start so we blew it off, the blazer and the AAA Beaver were not options, the Blazers out of town and the Beavers no longer call Portland their home. But the trip was a really good time and the drive was much easier than i imagined it would be, must have been the incredible company that I was in.  Thanks again T for a great time and looking forward to our Salt Lake City trip at the end of May.

Been doing a fair amount of reading these days , the books keep staring at me and jumping into my hands and i just keep reading them one after another. Really enjoy the reading and writings of some of my favorite authors as well as some new writers that have caught my eye. The book have ranged from Political to spiritual awareness. I am currently reading a book about the dumbing down of todays youth and their inability to do much anything beyond facebook and video games. We as a country are in some trouble, our future hold less drive and determination with the youth of today being locked into Disinterested mode. whatever the case may be we may be fucked 20 years from now with a nation of dumbasses with no drive to do anything but play PS3 and text their lives away.

Ok, that being said i look forward to some inspirational writing and continue to read my books and hope to further educate and free my mind from old personal stereotypes and grow in areas that may have become stagnant. So I trudge through another day here at work, not in a work sense but in the listening to constant nonsensical conversations that invade this office to no end. So i wait and hope to get to the gym after work and hit it hard after 4 days off  after our trip. I look forward to feeling a little tired and worn today and rush home to see My honey and baby Aubrey!!!! Yes, a very good thought indeed

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