Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Plans and Wishes

Lots of great stuff going on in our lives these days, the baby came over last night and shook our world again, so much adorability(not a word I know) and cuteness it's hard to stay centered with her around. Yeah it's really a treat when the kids bring baby Aubrey by the house and share that precious bundle of love with us, got her first picture back from the photo lab and already have her planted on my desk framed for the world to see.  The rest of the scenery is good as usual and not much shaking around here but a quick turnaround drive to Portland for a donut, a "Pizza and some book shopping in the city up North. Terria and I will take on the drive late Thursday evening to early Friday morning and check in about noon at the Hotel in Portland. Just an impromptu trip because we have nothing else planned and all day to do it so we figured  why not?  We have a dinner date with Brandon at the city college in Santa Barbara and then we head northward after that . Driving is a pleasure of mine, coupe with good music and conversation with Terria we plan on doing a nice tune up of our souls and let some fresh our in now that Braz is back from Afghanistan and Ty is back in tow we feel a sense of relief and can now breathe somewhat free in comparison to where we were a month ago waiting for our boys to be safe. 

Pretty interesting new book I bought while in Santa Barbara the other day, in the bookstore I see this book staring at me bright Red letters called "The dumbest Generation" how the digital age stupefies young Americans and jeopardizes our future, by Mark Bauerlein. When I walked up to this talking book and opened it up, a half page of scrolling though it and I bought it as this book is really a testament on how I feel our youth are betraying everybody around them with their attitudes and cavalier ways of going through life with their cell phones, computers and their Facebook accounts, not thinking to read a book or pick up a newspaper or read something or do something with some substance attached to it for once. Many really nice and intricate facts in the book so far, I took a break away from the theology books for a few, too hard hitting and very dry reading at times but will get back and finish off my stack of unread books here real soon.

Really enjoyed our trip to Santa Barbara to hear and watch Brandon receive an award for a poem he had written, a  very good poem that we were allowed to hear live and netted him a 200 dollar check for his efforts, very proud of his accomplishment and proud of the fact that he's trying to finish his schooling after taking a couple years off. We enjoyed the trip to Arizona for Baseball and other than myself don't know too many people who love Baseball like he and I do with the passion for the game and to be played with passion and love for the game. I watch a game so much differently than the average fan, i call pitches and make pitching changes in my mind, as a hitter will look for pitches and locations on certain counts. I watch the game and expect the game to be played the right way, with max effort, not so much perfect results but effort and preparedness. I am enjoying the Dodgers quick start  but am realistic enough to now that they are at best a 500 team maybe a few games above that but not enough hitting or true pitching beyond #1 and#2, the rest is a crap shoot but think that the west will be won by the Dbacks again and the dodgers are at best a 3rd place finisher in my estimation,  but they play the games to see who is best so we shall wait and see at the end who comes in where and I can't wait!

Finishing up the work day today ready for the gym and whatever we decide for a quick dinner, have laundry and prep needed for the trip after work tomorrow so its rush rush and the washer will be busy tonight, a quick bag and a couple pair of shoes and we are done and ready for the long drive to Portland Oregon for that much craved Donut! yeah a donut, throw in a Pizza and some seafood and we are set. Good Times continue to run rampant, we are enjoying life one day at a time and living each day as if to be our last, so there is no drive too far for a donut, or too  much for a pair of wanted shoes, just living the dream for which there is no price tag.

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