Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Simply Horrible

Rainy days and stupidity always get me down
A simple task of driving
complicated by somebody's inability to do it right
So I'll swerve away and hit the brakes and know I've dodged an idiot

The Sunshine glares into my eyes path
I squint and peak and see the pages
The signs and the books go unread and not comprehended
This simple world, simply mindless.

Frightened at the futures outlook
where will the brains come from
where and by whom will the issues be solved?
A black sea of texts and laptop signals stream aimlessly in the dark

Yeah I'm disgusted at what we have become
Even moreso and what we will continue to be
The future need a recalibration that this generation cannot provide
So we watch E network and TMZ and become as Stupid as humanly possible

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