Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Journey to my Wife

A day to commemorate my gifts
Today I embrace ,and retrace
where I've been
with and without you

A second chance is more than the wind
to be cherished like the day
and the person i love so very much
never to be put in doubt again

i look to the top of the mountain
a place we've stood atop before
As I climb it all over again
I will stop,smell and pick the flowers

My travels here and abroad
have brought me wisdom and questions
I'm smart enough to know and to ask questions
So i sit ,stare and ponder my fate

Trusting myself and my life
Giving myself another chance
allowing the love to get closer to me
realization and the knowledge to accept it all

I'm not all i thought I was
but can exceed all that was once thought
I give of myself an openness
To open my heart, my mind and my eyes to it all

Today is a celebratory day
but for us it seems so much more
Its pulling the plug and putting it back in
to re-energize a love that had never gone wrong

without yesterday there would be no today
tomorrow is a but another opportunity
To make things better and build upon
The house that was really never broken

I send my love and heartfelt joys to you
I see the light from the tunnel coming through
just a short trip away from today
I will see you soon .coming home today

Thank you So Much for Being My Wife
the strongest positive in my life
forgiven for the pain and strife
and allowing this husband another try!

Love you Terria, With soooo much Love ,Greg

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