Tuesday, June 29, 2010

June 30,2010 New Beginnings!

Move back 9 years ago, I remember the day I married my Terria an I recount the day my life changed for the better. Just 30 days ago I was in another town with another person living another life thatI knew nothing about. This time last year Terria ad I enjoyed a Dodger game and a night under the lights, all great times with my wonderful wife. My Anniversary this year takes on a whole new special meaning for us, this was to be our last Anniversay together and our last chance to be married together with the pending confusion that entered my life. This was a real wake up call for us and we have risen above the turmoil and working to improve our hold on the past insecurities and disallusionment. I want to thank My wonderfu; Terria from the botom of my heart for allowing me to heal and to try to return back to the Greg Duran she reunited with 12 years ago and the man she allowed to come back and give it another try. I am so very blessed to have such a wonderful wife and friend, life partner and most understanding person that I have ever met. I have another second chance to get it right and this time my dear I plan on making it better than ever, not once stopping til I get it right . I am devoted to us and devoted to making this better than ever before. Thank you so much my wonderul Terria for giving me the opportunity to make my world better, even if by default , the chance to make it right is my destiny and I will not fail this time, I assure you this for certian, Terria I love you and am so Blessed to call u my wife and that things are getting better than before each and every day. Happy Anniversary my Love, I love you Terria Lynn Duran.

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