Sunday, July 4, 2010

Good Days!

The piecess of the frazzled puzzle are slowly being re-organized, placed and seperated according to their place in the fray. Today was very emblematic of how things have been going. The days and nights are very productive, idle hands and minds are generally not the norm so we are usually doing something, either talking or doing something productive and sharing the events as we once did. We passed our 9 year anniversary last week and look forward to our weekend trip to Seattle on the 16-18th of the month to celebrate out nuptuals and getting back to the city we both love so much. We lan on doing nothing but enjoying each other and sharing the growth experience of being together after the short vacation a way from each other. We speak nightly, daily all throughout each day of hwere we were and where we have progreesed to in just a short peiod of time. We speak of communication and trust and of allowing each other the chance to grow together by sharing and allowing one another into each others lives, thoughts and dreams of living the rest of our lives together as one. As therapy with Michael has shown me , it is ok to be a vulnerable person, a person who can reach out and ask for help and allow my wonderful wife a chance to give of herself and me to allow it to happen. Looking s foreward to the next meeting with Dr. Morales and cannot wait to reap the benefits of the work and tools that he has given bothe rTerria and I in assisting us forward to better things ahead a s a married couple and as individuals to strive and survive in a very tough world , where , life takes over and it is time to get busy living, before we start dying in our attepmts to o so. Things are egreat and getting better every minute .As I write this me and my wife are 3 feet apat and stop and laugha dn be stupid silly little kids becausewe can and will continue to do so. i love my life and i love my wife!

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