Sunday, September 13, 2020

Prisoner to the ritual

Always been the chubby kid on the block
Loved my food , my sweets and PB&J sandwiches
Self control was never my best attribute
So I ate beyond being satiated

Fighting this issue for most of my life
I worked real hard to be better 
Always succumbed to my bad temptations
Like a an addict strung out on Heroin

One day I realized that I was killing myself
I never drank, smoked or did drugs
But food was the enemy and was winning the battles
So I fought and crawled and struggled towards better health

I ran 8 miles a day to for 3 straight years
The damage to my knees , back and entire body would eventually surface
But I was thin, looked good and felt ok
I was transformed and still unhappy

As an adult I carried my bad ways and would gain more weight
I am a good baker and a damn good cook
So sampling the goods was there to battle
So my efforts fell victim to to my biggest weaknesses, ME

I never stopped trying to stay actively cognizant
Of finding my health and joined the gym
I would go to the gym and ride my bike on the road
Forever guilty when I took a day off

For ten years now I have been addicted to exercise
Lost 100 plus lbs. and supposedly healthier
Yet my previous life has ask for it's payment
My heart is ill and my body hurts

Taking my medicine like an older man 
Staying healthy was always my master plan 
Hopefully without a medicine cabinet full of pills
The body has asked for it's past due bills

Everyday I think of what I will do
A bicycle ride through town or an in home workout
Days off are a rarity
I will kill myself I I ever stop trying

I am a prisoner to this ritual in which I engage
I do what I must to stick around for another day
These prison cells are not as bad as they may sound
It's an opportunity that a cancer patient may not have
I fear not death or sickly days
I fear leaving life unlived and unfulfilled
Taking chances and taking risks
Motorcycles and bicycles on the road are not always safe

Life is love and passionate embracing
Holding onto to life with a unrelenting grip
I'm blessed and express my gratitude 
I'm a prisoner to a ritualistic life of goodness


Thursday, September 10, 2020

Blink Of An Eye

Childhood came and went so quickly
The blink of an eye and Baseball games were over
Bicycle rides with my best friends
Replaced by my solo rides to stay healthy and fit
I won't look back and say "what if"
I am happy with my life the way it is
A better time may not have been had
But I'm where I need to be and where I'm needed

Growing up and growing older
Decisions made  and taking full ownership
Life as I knew it was suddenly changed
Fatherhood at a very young age
My girlfriend and future wife was not what she claimed
She lied and deceived and is now deranged
Clinically psychotic or so it was named
I gave it all and was left with no change

If I could change my world from yesterday
I would have tried to be healthier at a younger age
Years of abuse have caught up to me
My body hurts but I still push through

Looking over the hill I see 
So much ground to cover and things to do
Working until retirement dates
Freedom to climb that hill with ease and grace

I see today as a payment towards tomorrow
Being in good standing the rewards shall too follow
Giving back what has been given to me
Appreciative for my family
Love and support at every turn
We never burn bridges for our returns
I seek out that tranquility that comes from inside
This mind of mine that tries to confide
Allowing loved ones to get in close
Being a burden when it's just showing love
I let you in my kitchen door
Where the flames have erupted and I'm out of water

Wednesday, September 9, 2020


I don't scream anymore
I don't fight anymore
You can't fight City Hall
For it is what we have allowed it to become
Shock treatment and Shock value
Medications to assure we are ok
Co-pays and traffic delays
It's what we are expected to call normalcy

Shadow boxing out of paper bags
The shadows win again and the bag it much too tough

We can fight the fight and seek revenge
For what we seek it makes me cringe
That anger lives around the bend
We can hope and pray and try to pretend
That goodness comes in many forms
Clouds are forming and bringing the storms

We can go to work and pay our bills
Bitch about taxes and cold meals
Yell at our neighbors about barking dogs
The homeless pay no taxes and have nothing

Perspective is my very best friend
Giving me a conscience and ability to comprehend
That next time I complain about a trivial event
Punch me in the throat and show me the door 

Monday, September 7, 2020


If I looked at my own reflection
Wading pools or medicine cabinets
Would I smile or would I look away?
Tested each and every day

My Flaws are plentiful
My acceptance and accountability very high
To know I'm not hiding behind my weakest features
It's ok to say I'm imperfect
The results don't lie 
Even if others can't see 
I know, I will always know
The path of least resistance
Is the road I have never chosen

I'm the first to point out your flaws
I'm even quicker to point out my own
Too many times we try to suppress the truth
But the camera is always rolling

I can ask for forgiveness and know it will be given
The powers of prayer and belief are unrelenting
As are the mistake ridden lives that we continually live
I am flawed and that's ok for now

I don't want you to be like me
I don't care if you think like I do
Don't believe in the same things that I do
Vote for the same things that I would If I did vote
Just be you and I will fight with myself
Change the things that I know I can
And continue to realize that I'm a work in progress

Not pointing fingers at the rest
I can only pass my own test
I write my book and tear my own pages
Build my walls in many stages
This show is not appropriate for all ages
For my filters are not always turned on

Faults and all I see some goodness
I stay up up nights and feel I've dismissed
The gifts of life and the things I've been blessed
I'm loved and admired when I fail the tests

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Blow it Up

Trivial worries and Stevia lies
Falsified efforts And Mobster ties
Drilling oil to feed the rich
Those Mexican men who dig the ditch

Careers veering of their paths
Too many diplomas and not enough work
Student debt and paying back loans
How will they ever buy that home?

Shooting for the stars ,shooting another black man
Those nationalist surely have a plan
They wrap the bodies in their flags 
Don't be a lesbian or be called a fag

Worldly gains and lifelong loss
The games we play of win at all cost
Clashing heads and crushing cultures
The corpses lined up for the vulture

Narrow minds and closed off tolerance
We seize their pains with uncaring indifference
That what we once were in no longer true
We've changed the narratives to be like you

Shaking heads and not shaking hands
Ridiculous thoughts and ungodly demands
If tomorrow comes and the sun Shines bright
The pieces are missing and it can't be right

So pull back and finish digging your holes
The answers aren't at the voting polls
We see how wrong we got it last time
Don't mail it in , Wait in a long line

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Weak Foundations

A barrage of instability envelopes the mind
A deluge of thunder clouds building up their momentum  
Inclement mindsets wreaking of insecurity
Why doesn't anybody like me?

Troubled people in troubled times
Too afraid to cross any lines
They hear the voices,  are they talking about me?
I wonder what it takes to be in good graces

The news reports another celebrity death
Abuse?  or refuse to seek out needed help
The children are hungry with no place to sleep
Perspective is reflective of self absorption

Shaking our heads while shaking their hands
Self-sabotage and disappointments not taking a stand
Stand up for something that matters today
Lost morals and ethics ,hidden in plain sight

Where do they run to and where can they hide
When exposure is the enemy and you cannot confide
Truths are freedom , suppression is death
The world keeps whispering under their breath

When does it mend its' wounds and stop the bloods flow
Where do they seek the truth and how will they know
Why is there so much pain with no cure in place
The man in the alley with tears down his face

Are we closer to the beginning or nearer the end
We fight for a dollar and try to pretend
They act Like Christians who deceive their spouses
Throwing stones again inside their glass houses

When tomorrow comes!
Do we dare to stare into the mirrors of our consciousness
Do we accept the ways of the world as they are?
Do we go out swinging and raise the bar


Friday, September 4, 2020

Broken Standards

I never wanted to be that guy
Who looks you in the eye before the lie
Be the person who makes you cry
Another opportunity and another try

Giving back my heart and soul
The golden rule to make it whole
Seeing clearly through the dirty glass
Always somebody's pain in the ass

I never wanted to be someone's worry
Here I stand in my personal flurry
Raining inside inclement weather
The bonds that seal my thoughts together

Falling down and stumbling in
worried seclusion and where to begin
Carry the burdens and shelter the pains
My past is checkered and littered with stains

Not seeking perfection or mediocrity
Not seeking approval from society
If life is precious why can't it be
A life of love and levity

I cannot hate those who hate
I can only hope to have a debate
That being that guy who has a place
To make a difference in this small space

Laughing instead of wailing aloud
Hugging instead of fighting the crowd
Verbal judo instead of throwing my hands
Fetal position on my commands

I've given up on high expectations
The bar is set low for this wounded nation
I remember when we all had hope
That memory crashes on a slippery slope

This place is on fire and burning too hot
We are what we are and lost the plot
I've given my life to see some hope
But we drink, self medicate and try to cope

So much water flows beneath our feet
Lost opportunities and so much deceit
Holding ourselves towards a higher ground
Will tranquility ever be found?

Thursday, September 3, 2020

The End Is Now

Trying to comprehend the madness
Separating the good and bad
Never really understand which it is
Can't change the world's revolving turns

Is it political, hypocritical or hypothetical
We willl never know
I can't wrap my head around it
I'm nobody and not supposed to understand

The world is a lie
People will die 
For all the wrong reasons 
But the economy matters

I've never walked in their shoes
Will never understand their plight
Lived a life of total privilege
Yet so many people think they know

I defer to my higher source 
Strength in faith and not in humanity
Given up on expectations of goodness
Each person for themselves 
Let's buy more fucking guns

Too much time on our clocks
Sunset comes as the days are shorter
My world is shrinking and all that matters
Protect myself from myself today

Tomorrow is today and I lose the plot
Refusing to give in the the incompetence
Driving the road clearly defined
My lights are on as I follow the lines

Can't change a persons ideology
Can't change my own physiology
Can't change the hate and disrespect
Can't fight the world of neglect
Can't pray for things to change
Can't fix the minds of the deranged
Can't relate to those who hate
Can't love those who purposely devastate

I wash my hands of believing in People
I see no goodness beyond my small world
There is no beginning ,only the end
The end is now and we cannot stop it