Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Wounds Heal

I look back to a different day
so much further from where I am today
I see the light thru the tunnels door
I see my reflections and look away

I have punched myself for the last time
Put the gloves away and starting to heal
the wounds, the pains have endured time
the past was yesterday, today is mine

Sending love and giving thanks
my open heart and open doors
allowing goodness in my life
breaking the barriers as the tide rolls through

my demons peak has fallen down
the world surrounds my next move
compassionate and passionate
picking myself up and rising above

Holding onto a tethered pole
I cut the strings and and the maternal hold
a child in a broken pen
reliving the past once again

Once a week i see my friend
my future in my hands again
the knowledge and the tools i hold
If I blow this than I'll really know

Love is powerful and so bold
truth and understanding and someone to hold
seeking out the long lost flickers
acknowledgement and re-assurance

affirmation and contemplation
waiting for the sun to rise
questions in my mind i know
answers that time will show

I'm giving everything that i have
have more to give and can't fall short
look again in my mirrored walls
no room for failures and thoughtless falls

My voice will carry
my work will be done
The wounds and pains
will be in next weeks journal

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