Friday, July 9, 2010

State Of My Being!

Things are really looking up and progressing forward in every aspect of life. My therapy and counsel is going remarkably well and has given me some tools and ways to deal with my past and to work onward and upward in my search for peace and tranquility in my life. Missing my wife and her strength of character and the nightly conversations that we share every night. My entire world that I had turned upside down a few months back has started to right itself and I am feeling better every day about myself and my life. The gym has become my best friend and has allowed me to be in better shape, mentally ,physically and spiritually. My life's journey is just that, a journey to many places, with my mind and soul so damn complex i sometimes find that a good poem ,or some sort of writing is a good way to catalog my emotions and to be able to have a base of knowledge for future times when the emotional swings aren't necessarily in My favor. But as life stands today my balance is great and I feel better than ever before. My depression of the crew breaking up has taken me awhile to get thru but it seems like we are making strides to re-unite and meet on occasion to see how everybody is doing. George and I are meeting on Tuesday at the cookery in woodland hills so that's a bonus for me. This weekend brings me a nephews birthday party and I will show face and see what is what? So I miss my Terria and look forward to her return on Saturday and regain normalcy again. The day is closing and I look forward to my visit to the gym after work and then an evening of nothing planned and no troubles on the horizon. I am a blessed man and need to realize that life is simple, I choose not to over complicate it with meaningless trauma. Thank God I can appreciate the differences and have the tools the avoid that which i despise!

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