Sunday, December 4, 2011

So Bad - Detroit in Ruins

THE most intriguing ,yet disgusting thing I've seen in a long time. After visiting Detroit this Summer and truly having my eyes opened with it's total ruinous condition and lackluster care and concern for it's appearance. I have made it a high priority to re-visit this city and see the most run down parts of the city and see most everything on this video for myself. will also re visit the part of the city that housed the old Tiger Stadium which I did not see when we were there, visit the field still in tact minus the surrounding stadium which was torn down. This City of Detroit has captured my heart for some reason, to know that this was once a great city and it now a real true Ghetto that seems more like Beirut than a real American city. The sad yet intriguing part of it all is that I want to see it all again. A must watch video with so many others on youtube that totally show what this place has become. When you see shut down libraries that still have books on their shelves, or police station with mug shots and files, classrooms with material still in the classrooms, but the most strange to me is the assembly line of vintage 1980-90's vehicles still on the assembly line un finished and left partially assembled...Amazing

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