Sunday, December 11, 2011

Fly By Weekend!

A darn good weekend for sure, not allot of thing went on but a quiet weekend for sure of just enough to keep us above water, mentally and emotionally, all is well! Good to hear from the boys today, they are a well as could be expected under the vast and trying circumstances. Terria and i enjoyed baking and Football today, even had an hour plus at the gym to blow off some steam and sit in the hot tub and relax and melt away the little stress that surrounded my day.  It was a great day and we are all ready for the Holidays this year, a little heaviness in missing our boys Ty and Braz but do agree upon the fact that this is the natural progression of watching the kids grow up and leave the nest, all in a days work I spose, or the life of a loving parent, let em go and they will return, on their terms and all grown up!

Watched another great episode of Frank Schaeffers book reading TV from Cambridge online tonight, so much goodness comes from this man and He truly is the voice and mind of good reason in my life. His words and books resonate in my mind and tell me that I need to listen to this voice and hear his words, read his books and absorb this giant nugget of common goodness that most people only aspire to experience. I have been blessed to be surrounded with the family friends and outside influences that have positively helped to reshape in a positive light. So much goodness and the ideas of treating people kindly, with respect and  admiration where deemed appropriate. I have a great admiration for Schaeffer and people who are kind, intelligent and non judgemental who treats people as equals and with no prejudice based on whatever differences we have, be it color, religion or sexual preference, we are all capable of being good or bad regardless of those preferences, not because of them, but in spite of those personal nuances which makes us all different. I am truly blessed to have had A person like Schaeffer come into my life and ideology, the goodness I have taken from his teachings are immense, thank you Mr Frank Schaeffer!!!! So with that I will close  by thanking Terria and the family for giving me so much goodness and so many good things to enjoy each and every day just by waking up, thanks to God for giving me the wisdom to think and live a good life  and the vast intelligence and realistic views to realize that I am a flawed human being , and will make mistakes and have the wherewithal to get my shit straight using the tools and means that are at my disposal on  so many fronts. Good Night!

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