Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Boy Brigade

The joys of youth and the trials of being young all fall into the same kettle of goodness and badness.  Dealing with the boys and their issues over the past 2 years has been an eye opener to me and Terria. Wanting to grow up so damn fast and get out and on their own to play grown up. Now that the realities of their decisions have hit home and after sifting their their self induced rubble of youthful ignorance they might think to ponder about this adult thing a bit longer and reflect upon their decisions to grow up much too quickly. As adults and as parents we see and do things that are both right and wrong and act accordingly in fixing them and making them right, or prospering and enjoying the good things that come our way. But as a parent we see the mistakes being made, compounded upon by the inability to fix them and a rush for a quick fix that exponentially makes it even worse. The youthful inability to draw upon any life experience and act quickly to  remedy a situation when they know not where the problem lye's. Yeah we have had our fill with Braz and Ty and sometimes Brandon with the decision making process and the overall perception that these things work themselves out...they don't!!!!

Braz is in a bad place right now, mom and dad are in a bad place right now as a result of the thoughts and worry of our boy in war zones dealing with the crap of a young wife who chooses not to keep her legs closed and her mouth without another mans cocks inside them both. Braz being the eternal fool always takes her back and in no position to act upon it if he wanted to.  So he puts his tail between his legs and hopes she changes but the issues of her childhood that went unattended will not allow her to fix her shit, just more of the same and he takes over payments for the bullshit that ensues. Well he may have hit a low point and is now done with this roller coaster ride of infidelity and distrust, he is officially done with her and the fact that she is in trouble with her command for being where she shouldn't have been with another married man will only make things worse for her. Sadly enough we loved her as our own but she cannot continue to treat our boy like this and he cannot continue to allow this to happen to himself. He has come to the realization that he cannot live like this anymore, regardless of his love for her, she does not love herself or him for that matter enough to get help and stop this runaway train wreck on a crash course collision. Being young and somewhat ignorant of what expectations are and should be , they tolerate the bullshit because doing things for the first time doesn't allow you the foresight to know there is another way to do things, accepting the bullshit and know the difference is fine line with the young and the socially dumb today, yes he is our son and yes we love him to death but we cannot walk him through his entire life , especially when our advise has gone on deaf ears all these years, they know everything right? except that they know nothing and don't know that they don't know, double ignorance is a bitch. We will be supportive of Braz and help him an way we can, the time will come when he can reflect upon this and use this as a piece of knowledge that will help his decisions for the next time and to see the red flags long before they have been waved.  Love you son !!!!!

Then we climb atop Mt. Ttyrannosaurus Narcissistic knucklehead where everything is everybody else's fault and nobody is a good a she is. The boy has removed himself from the game of reality and the game of life and now resides in the land of the missing tooth's. Chillicothe Fucking Missouri home of the dumbfuck white trailer trash mother fuckers. Goddammit already , meet up with a 21 year old girl when you are 17 , get some amazing blow job and fall in love when the world was yours and you gave it away for that. Had a job that would have led to bigger and better things as did she , but chose to move back to her hometown where she had home team advantage and took every bit of advantage of it as she does today. What is it with the boys and their lacking the inner skills to make a good decision about woman? Ty has Narcissistic disorder and thinks the world owes him everything and all that he has done wrong is our fault and all he has done right is his own brilliance! After he moved to Missouri he has threatened to come back at least 5 times as they break up every week and always make up and get back together only to repeat the same cycle. His girl apparently has issues wit Terria and for some reason chooses to shot herself in the foot in fucking with the wrong woman on this planet. Terria when pregnant had her boys and went back to work in days after doing so, worked til the last couple of days before taking off from work as a school teacher, as an aside, Ty's Girlfriend is pregnant and due in Februaryry and has not worked in months and won't ever work again I'm sure, following in Mom's footsteps of 6 kids with 4 dads Ty will be one of many daddies to her many kids, thanksgiving dinners will be quite uncomfortable for the Ty man lmmfao! I can only say that Ty would better serve himself by removing himself from the set of  Deliverance and come home and start his life all over again,I'd even be willing to raise his child with Terria and give that baby what she won't be getting from me on this! So I can only say how sad I am to see Ty go down this path he had so much potential to do more for himself, so much drive and personality to go anywhere he wanted to , now he's stuck with the probabilities of a military life and a Cooter for a wife/girlfriend. his choices ,his dilemma but that child he is having has no say in this. I feel bad for Terria and I know her boys were given the proper examples by us on a daily basis by showing the example of raising the bar and having expectations and constantly saying NO to them and no being their best friend, but being a real parent to them all!

Our oldest boy Brandon has taken a while to get jump started and doing his school and part time work to pay fr his car, the relationship he is in seems to be more of a burden to him than a good thing and I assume that it will end shortly after the holiday season. He has some issues with the relationships and assume that his biological so called mother has something to do with it as she left his life when he was only 7-8 years to be with another man. He went through therapy and i feel still carries some residuals effects in the way of relationships and dealing with the rigors of maintaining and making one grow in a positive manner. he generally runs for the hills before he tries to set his foot in the ground and attempt to work at it. He loves his distance and getting too close to him is a bad thing for him, seems to be a mother leaving issue to me but I am not the trained professional and I wish he would go see Michael and address the issues he still carries. He is a great son and a bit of an introvert , he loves to write and read and is a bit nerdy when it comes to the intellectualal side of his own brilliance. I know he will find his way and his mother Staying out of his life has been as positive as it has been a negative. Terria has been an amazing influence with her love and guidance as a step mom, or his MOM as it really should read, his biological mom lost that right when she walked out of his life. So Brandon and I share the passions for music, Baseball, Comedy and Cooking, i love all of my boys and wish we could go back in time to do it all over again! Life is funny and an ongoing docudrama of goodness, Bad, fun, sadness ,intrigue and most of all ...Learning! To stop learning is to start dying!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I say dealing with the past 2 years because the boys have grown to be on their own moving out of the house and into their so called adult lives. Dealing wiht the past 15 has been a joy and I look forward to their growth as time and maturity takes over
