Sunday, August 7, 2011

Back To Work

Seems like I've been on vacation all summer long, as If I'm the teacher in the family which I am definitely not!  Back to the grind tomorrow after being off 2 of the last 3 weeks for various vacations of some sort. Just got back from a really relaxing 4 days in Big Bear ski resort town! A very quiet and relaxing place to hang out and chill on the water front of Big Bear lake.We ate well and had some good times with Tim and April and hope to go back again in the future. Haven't been back to Morales in about a month and don't know if I will go back anymore, It's run it's course for me at this point  and I can look in the mirror and realistically move forward and look to the future for better results under similar situations, been there done that mentality I suppose. Either way I will forge ahead and take what I've learned through the therapy I've had over the past year and hope that I continue to make good decisions and become better at everything I do, to include being a husband and a father, and friend to those few I call a friend! Very much like the old song from Big Country" I'm just a shadow of the man I should be,, like a garden through the forest that the world will never see"  love that song but hate the premise of that statement, so sad but yet too true in my case at times. I know my friend Scott and I have equated phrases like this and others from songs such as Circlesquared from the Wonderstuff.We laugh at times yet have the same blank stare at each other thinking.....what if???

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