Monday, August 15, 2011

Back for More

So many times I have thought that the last post here would be my final post here but that never seems to happen. regardless of where I'm at emotionally , spiritually or just physically at odds with whatever the day ha s brought me,I'm still here kicking and screaming through the day. I have tried to wash my hands of the negativity that floated around me, be it work, friends or life itself and have done a really good job in doing so I think. Trying to focus on family and the few Friends that I do have  has made things easier, and the few really fun and exciting interests that I do have I have tried to envelope myself into those whenever i can and usually  am able to do so at will. The fact that there are no more kids to raise and take care of is really nice in that the work is done and the time for fun is ours to enjoy.

Working today, Monday morning, very slow but a good start to the week and a new outlook so to speak, the weekend went well and seemingly slower than normal for me. Was able to get in a bucket of balls and a roll of 3 games testing the new Bowling ball , a motorcycle ride and watched some football and Baseball on the tube, PGA golf was exciting as well with a playoff between 2 relative unknowns so it was nice to see some newer blood reap the spoils of a major tourney win this weekend. Still have not gotten into the new Schaeffer book  and don't know why I can't , he's my favorite writer now and am in some type of reading slump or something. It will hopefully pass and get back into reading, i have 5 or 6 books that I need to read and are just collecting dust on the bookshelf, so that will be a goal of mine.

I will no longer write my political beliefs or angers here anymore ,I now know why i don't vote and have never been a part of this process that infuriates me so much, so from here on out that will be a no no around these parts. I will just focus on the things that i ca control and the idiots in political arenas will do their thing and we will adjust, as we always have and always will be the puppets to the system that was created to help us all, just seems to help the affluent and that's another story altogether that I will waste not one minute on. so heres' to the positive outlook that I seek out and try to involve my everyday ...very Good Times

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