Saturday, August 13, 2011

Quiet Times

Trying not to follow the daily news too much these days but the realities of it all make the news that much more stunning to me. The stock market and the previous few weeks of political uncertainty, now the new GOP scary candidates of far  right religious nut jobs that I am so fearful of and see them gaining a bit of ground n terms of people actually taking them seriously in the fact that more than 2 people are listening, prayer meetings and debates on all sides make this a very tumultuous time for the 2012 campaign.  But other than that , the debt deal is signed, I have a job and wife has a job and the new school year is ready to get us back into the daily routine of both of us going to work every morning.

The weekend is almost over, golf, motorcycle and bowling tomorrow if all goes well, giving the gym a rest tomorrow and need to justify having a motorcycle in the garage so I will ride it tomorrow and make good use of a free day.  Not much to write about here lately , lot going on but feeling like dealing with things  differently and keeping my thoughts more to myself and not be so generous with the thoughts that do come to mind. But either way things are well and life is a good as it has ever been, missing the Braz and Ty and hoping for a return visit from Braz on liberty from the desert. So Saturday nights coming to a close here soon, rst and relax and rejuvenate for a hopefully eventful Sunday afternoon. Good Night and Good Times ahead

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