Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Generation Me, My ,I

I can hardly believe what these eyes do see
I don't want to see what I can't change
Help me understand the limits that exist
Troubled and ashamed at the lack of growth

Fast food nation and drive through minds
Can't see days ahead unless its on Facebook
Look at me I'm getting coffee
My Harley Davidson won't start up

Dinner conversations a finger click away
put down your phone if you have something to say
I feel the distance from my chair next to me
Another Selfie snapped off pitifully

A rush of desperation and continually try
To understand this generation of passers by
entitlements and self loathing abound
Will common sense  ever be found

I'll drink to that my diet Coke
don't look at me as if I'm the joke
Lose yourself in your every move
another selfie and you re-generate

Look at me now, its been 5 minutes
I'm still on my phone as another pretty girl walks by
You're missing the world around you  click by click
you couldn't get laid if she sat on your dick

This Generation me, what can you do
It's all about me ,it's my time now
Hey old man your time is gone
Move along they're playing my song

Sing along, sing so loudly
Look at me yell did you even notice me
If you miss my show don't you worry
I video taped myself in all my glory

In 20 years when life is colder
the wasted years of acting bold
failure to look beyond your mirrors glances
where your memories are your shining hours

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