Monday, February 2, 2015

Feeling It!

I have for some reason put down my reading books and picked up my pen once again. Feeling pretty good about the way life is running it's course and have no complaints about the days behind me or the upcoming that await me. Been really fixated on the narcissistic side of the house , reading a few books on that subject, the latest being "Generation Me" by Jean Twenge, which is really amazing, her second book that I have read on this subject, not to mention 3 others by various authors.  A really interesting subject that explains the new generation of people born in the early 80's. I live with it , I work with it and it is a phenomenon that is a head scratcher for sure and somehow comical  and sad at the same time. SO beyond all of that I feel really glad to be back on the bike again , the Busa is a beast and so much fun in a different sort of way, bigger, heavier and faster somehow than I have ever ridden before but a connection of control and sheer speed and power unrivaled by anything I have ever ridden before. So here I am writing a bit more and feeling a bit more controversial and a pot stirring fool of sorts.  Getting back to this forum feels like home again, not sure why I stopped but nearly a year went by with no additions to the Blog. I still feel very blessed and really fortunate to be Where I am , with an amazing support group of wife and family, kids and a the few friends that will have me, actually that I will choose to have , love my little box with big happiness inside to make everyday a holiday and Christmas at the same time. good times and Good Living!

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