Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Evolving Slowly

Ever wonder why the sun goes down
With hopes and dreams and happy thought
Realities forever abound
Waking me from my daily slumber
What becomes of a spoiled heart
To realize that I can't realize
Riches of a healthy home
The expectations rise exponentially
Who can save a wayward boat
To captain this ship is to own this ship
Irresponsibility does not desire responsibility
Because ownership has its value
Mindful of traveled roads
Maps and GPS cannot be used
Solo trips and circular drives
A trip that makes a man feel alive
Self absorption and a entitled Sponge
self loathing and writhing towards the end
See the finish line before the start
Running this race in reverse
Cannot see the scenic route
the joys and smiles of victory
Peaks and valleys are everyday life
my back pack is full of angst
As I reach into this grab bag of self doubt
I slap myself with a thundering clout
The house upon the hill I see
Is truly not the place for me
When a person watches struggle
and has few of his own
 How can he ever be fully grown
Realizations' that life is not free
the fruits keep falling so easily
So I take my ladder go further up high
Where life's fruit sweetens when you appreciate

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