Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Evolving Slowly

Ever wonder why the sun goes down
With hopes and dreams and happy thought
Realities forever abound
Waking me from my daily slumber
What becomes of a spoiled heart
To realize that I can't realize
Riches of a healthy home
The expectations rise exponentially
Who can save a wayward boat
To captain this ship is to own this ship
Irresponsibility does not desire responsibility
Because ownership has its value
Mindful of traveled roads
Maps and GPS cannot be used
Solo trips and circular drives
A trip that makes a man feel alive
Self absorption and a entitled Sponge
self loathing and writhing towards the end
See the finish line before the start
Running this race in reverse
Cannot see the scenic route
the joys and smiles of victory
Peaks and valleys are everyday life
my back pack is full of angst
As I reach into this grab bag of self doubt
I slap myself with a thundering clout
The house upon the hill I see
Is truly not the place for me
When a person watches struggle
and has few of his own
 How can he ever be fully grown
Realizations' that life is not free
the fruits keep falling so easily
So I take my ladder go further up high
Where life's fruit sweetens when you appreciate

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Generation Me, My ,I

I can hardly believe what these eyes do see
I don't want to see what I can't change
Help me understand the limits that exist
Troubled and ashamed at the lack of growth

Fast food nation and drive through minds
Can't see days ahead unless its on Facebook
Look at me I'm getting coffee
My Harley Davidson won't start up

Dinner conversations a finger click away
put down your phone if you have something to say
I feel the distance from my chair next to me
Another Selfie snapped off pitifully

A rush of desperation and continually try
To understand this generation of passers by
entitlements and self loathing abound
Will common sense  ever be found

I'll drink to that my diet Coke
don't look at me as if I'm the joke
Lose yourself in your every move
another selfie and you re-generate

Look at me now, its been 5 minutes
I'm still on my phone as another pretty girl walks by
You're missing the world around you  click by click
you couldn't get laid if she sat on your dick

This Generation me, what can you do
It's all about me ,it's my time now
Hey old man your time is gone
Move along they're playing my song

Sing along, sing so loudly
Look at me yell did you even notice me
If you miss my show don't you worry
I video taped myself in all my glory

In 20 years when life is colder
the wasted years of acting bold
failure to look beyond your mirrors glances
where your memories are your shining hours

Monday, February 2, 2015

Feeling It!

I have for some reason put down my reading books and picked up my pen once again. Feeling pretty good about the way life is running it's course and have no complaints about the days behind me or the upcoming that await me. Been really fixated on the narcissistic side of the house , reading a few books on that subject, the latest being "Generation Me" by Jean Twenge, which is really amazing, her second book that I have read on this subject, not to mention 3 others by various authors.  A really interesting subject that explains the new generation of people born in the early 80's. I live with it , I work with it and it is a phenomenon that is a head scratcher for sure and somehow comical  and sad at the same time. SO beyond all of that I feel really glad to be back on the bike again , the Busa is a beast and so much fun in a different sort of way, bigger, heavier and faster somehow than I have ever ridden before but a connection of control and sheer speed and power unrivaled by anything I have ever ridden before. So here I am writing a bit more and feeling a bit more controversial and a pot stirring fool of sorts.  Getting back to this forum feels like home again, not sure why I stopped but nearly a year went by with no additions to the Blog. I still feel very blessed and really fortunate to be Where I am , with an amazing support group of wife and family, kids and a the few friends that will have me, actually that I will choose to have , love my little box with big happiness inside to make everyday a holiday and Christmas at the same time. good times and Good Living!


What happens when you seek out truths
And find more than you wanted to?
Reading , writing and open eyed wonderment
Give me more than I bargained for!
A YouTube documentary here, or an editorial there
more information and deductions of what is written
And the deeper meanings in between the lines.
I see too much, I hear too much and I worry too much
about all that I absorb in life.
I can't stop a runaway train
I won't stop feeling your pains
But I do know that I fear the end,
and the unhappy stories to be told.

Feeling the outside pressures and complexities
Faraway world of life's simplicities ,yet I can sense the days ends
come sooner than before
and I see an unwavering persona flapping in the wind
torn and tattered like an old flag put out over and over again
Take it down and start anew, let it rest, let it all go
Alter ego not withstanding, Move ahead and do what you do
The Candy bar dangling in my face I eat it
The mountain roads sweeping dangers,I attack them
And the day will come when a growth and understanding bigger than I
Will take me to real clarity
Where I won't try to figure it all out
Just let the days come and go
Enjoy the sunrise for what it is
a beginning to another opportunity
to enjoy the blessings
instead of thinking myself into a migraine

Tossing that pastry aside
My vices pile up at the front door
As I plow on through ,or step aside
I reach an understanding of calm
realizing my pile is always smaller than next door
Everywhere I look I see despair , hatred and wanting
For everything people don't have they want,
everything they need they fall over
and the sense of entitlement clouds the minds to narrow mindedness
I can see the light
It shines just right
not too blinding nor too dim
It shows me what I need to see
I can see clearly now
Because Johnny Nash just told me so
Thank you Mom , thank you Honey and thank you Johnny
Life is a riot when you don't give a shit about
Shit that doesn't matter