Thursday, June 6, 2013

Deceive To Believe, Pain Is Real

A new day comes and goes
the weather and the tides
hardened hearts and broken promises
each day looks like the rest

New players same games
deceitful dishonest and disheartening
everyday is a holiday
like the 5th of july

more pain less gain
bright hope and cloudy days
perpetual dreams unlit corridors
our realities heed no warnings

Feeling what you cannot see
knowing that you are oblivious
hurting and watching the bleeding
helpless to the worlds cruel joke

mending is living
bending is breaking
trying is lying
puppeteers rule the roost

I cry to try to smile
emotional voids and runaway thoughts
Captive dreams  in the Hole
tomorrow brings a visit to the yard

So you say it is so precious
it might be, but not today
Pain isn't joy, hate is not Love
So what is that you say so high above???????

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