Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sunday Bloody Sunday

Well the weekend came and went seemed like a blur because it truly was. The weekend consisted of a rip to Riverside and a housewarming party for my Buddy Steve, kind of miss the dude since he moved away and always good to reconnect when we can. The Riverside drive sucked ass as it always does but nothing sucks that bad when I have good music and a sing along session all the way, maybe not too cool for the wife but shes used to my bellowing out to hits of the 80's 90's and new millenium,or so i think??? whatever the case went to the gig with the intensions of drinking water and soda but Nooooooo, Mexicans don't allow you not to drink in their presence and apparently its a felony here in the Nard to...shit! So I drank about 6 brews and felt really stupid, lazy and hazy and kinda fucked up  but was able to sober up on the drive home as the passenger. The usual suspect showed up the same 2 coworkers Amber and Sabrina and their kids and significant others, or some would say insignificants and that's probably closer to the truth but whose judging...I am...whatever!

So move to today and the morning was lazy and hazy and thankfully I was able to sleep until 8:30 and assumed that the day would be more productive physically anyway. So lounging around we decided to go to breakfast in Ojai, good ol Bonnie Lu's , the 35 minute drive was cool and we had a to wait a few minutes but well worth the wait for sure, we ate and headed back for more lounging, Watched a little motorcycle racing and then decided I'd better get my lazy ass to the gym and do a pool workout, done and done and had a motorcycle ride on the agenda which never happened...lack of interest or more laziness ,either way a real lapse in motivation on my part. I gues it prepares me for another non productive workday and Monday, Oh monday ,the crap shoot as to who shows up on time and who shows up period so I will prepare myself for no shows and plenty of GOVT. employee bullshit so I am ready!!!! Nearing midnight and I am writing, why ???? who knows I just am  and watching the Professional with T and loving this movie for the 100th time but still entertaining nonetheless. Well all is well in Saurusland and looking forward to a short workweek, Terria's surgery on her knee on Tuesday and then the recovery stage begins.Good Times and today nears its end and prepares me for another tomorrow!

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