Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Flying Back Home

Just getting back from the Island of Oahu after a 5 day quick trip to visit one of our Boys stationed out there in the U.S Army. Braz had major knee surgery and 2 screws and a 5" gash later he begins a long rehab before he will be up and at em again. WE support our boys and hope he can get back into a normal routine and healthy again. The trip to Hawaii was not really a blessing for, not a big fan of Hawaii or the hustle and bustle of it's occupants and their pushy ways, i defer to the beauty of my hometown and Southern California where the weather is great the people are weird and i know how to react to the local hijinx. The trip went reasonably quickly and thankfully so we were able to leave the state supporting the boy and not killing any rude people in the way of our travels. So we are back and work is work and enjoy the routines of routine for what they truly are...comfort zones and tranquility! Oh yeah the boy got married while we were theyre and will go after the matrimonial thing for his second attempt to get it right...not feeling it but whats a parent supposed to do right??? So North Shore , Diamondhead, Pearl Harbor  and Waikiki all checked off with not much circumstance or real impressions of grandeur, just a long assed flight home to normalcy and a feeling of mixed bagged emotions for the boy and his emotions and inner feelings. God Bless Our Boys and sending our love and high hope to them all. Home Sweet home, Good times!

1 comment:

  1. Greg, been following you for a while now. I love your blogs you post. I would like to get ahold of you so we can speak about a Quad i got in a trade back in 2009 concerning a friend of yours named Erwin. I know this isn't the site to get a hold of you on but have no other option to talk to you. My email is (wifes email) Alicia_Parsons@hotmail.com , If you could email me your phone number or just a email would do even. Thanks in adavanced. - Lonnie Parsons
