Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Old Post

I'm not going to say the cliche TGIF today other than it's Friday and the weekend beckons and all that is left is to find something to do??? Today is rather slow at the workplace and being my working Friday it's a real easy shift to say the least. hoping to sneak out in a few to get something to eat and then be ready for the Gym at lunchtime as the pool is calling me and the workout in the water sounds amazing since it is so warm and humid out today. cannot wait trust me , so stuffy here the water sounds like a real treat to me right now.

After work I have a 13th birthday Party for my my Nephew Josh at his house so that will take up a few hours of the night and be fed and ready for Friday night. Which is another big question to be answered? But I do have a couple rides scheduled for this weekend and gym of course , might try to shake things up a bit and go for a drive somewhere with Terria and see what we can find to do, maybe Keynote for Red Rhythm or some kind of entertainment, or nothing at all, doesn't really matter either way!

Very happy to receive a picture from Terria of Braz in Afghanistan yesterday ,will post that in a few and was really good to see the boy in his element with his crew fighting the fight. I can only say that it has been very nerve racking to say the least, especialy with a few of his mates in his platoon already losing their lives to attacks in and around jalalabad.  A very mean and visious thing is war, many people pay the ultimate price , some innocents, others warriors doing what they are paid to do and yet we lose peole everyday for this senseless and meaningless

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