Monday, May 14, 2012

The Grasp

It is definitely a monday morning, the sinus issues are at an all time high ,or low depending on how i want to look at it, i have til 10 am then it generally goes away.  The weather is starting to warm up, heatwave of 70 degrees for us here in the Nard and not too shabby I'd say! We pay for this weather trust me and the beauty of it is , we can afford it and enjoy the ability to do whatever we want year round, no snow, rain ,hurricans ,tornadoes or anything to deal with bu the boredom of perfect weather.  The joys are aplenty, the mothers day is behind us and another great day with Terria in the books. We were treated last night with a visit from Baby Aubrey to help terria celebrate her mothers day as a grandmother and I as a grandfather of Ty and Mandy's perfect little baby Aubrey Sue!!! Love our little girl and she brightens up our day everytime we see her.

Coming to the end of our run with Michael, he is retiring from the counseling and going abroad to enjoy his latter years of life, he has been very instrumental in keeping Terria and I together and going stronger. We have one last goodbye visit with him and then he sails off into the twilight and will never see him again. don't know who will be referred to us for him but think I can honestly say that I cannot start over with another therapist it would be too painful to relive where I've been with anybody else, we shall see what tomorrow brings in that regard. But for now it's renewal and growth on a daily basis to keep our lives where they need to be, a good place and better future based on the hard work and dedication to making happiness an everyday thing, so far , so good!

The fact that everyday is Valentines day, Mothers day and fathers day, Birthday and Christmas in our home, is the biggest rib tickler that most tend to believe when they hear the comment come from mine or Terria's mouth, we enjoy the goodness of what most people tend to think are special occasion moments each and every day, not just on thoe special days, which is why we don't specifically celebrate these so-called holidays or Hallmark dtermined events  any differently than we normally live...with passion and joy and loving and admiration towards each other. It's always been that way and the fact that I can say that my affair 2 years ago is now the single best thing to happen to US is even more compelling to me.  The awreness that came from that has made us both better, granted I did not like the pain I inflicted and the damage cause  but like a bridges that crunbles and falls, the rebuild bring about a stronger and better structure, with better understanding of what went wriong with the original plans, we have bult a better bridge and plan and crossing over and finding the better side of life in our middle to latter stages of our marriage and life. We have been blessed with a second chance, a better chance to make things even more amazing than ever, having the tools and not fooling ourselves into thinking that we can relazx and slow down the growth and awareness of our marriage and our lives that await us tomorrow and beyond.  I am good with my growth but never stop growing, i can always look back and learn where I have been to know where I want to go in the future. Mistakes and missteps are part of life and learning from those mistakes is what I have called growth. I do belive that I have finally been able to forgive myself for what I've done, the past is no reflection of my future but a reminder of how important it is to never stop growing and never relax and think that things are always going to work themsleves out,  they don't, we must make the efforts to recognize and then act accordingly, thats where I'm at in this stage in life is to know that I don't always know everything and will remind myself of that fact.  Growth is never moving too slowly, nor is is moving too fast, finding that sweet spot and evolving with it I believe is my key to maintaining the Happiness that i hold in my hands. A special thanks to Terria and Family for understanding the quirky, if not free spirited approach to life that I call my own. Today is a good day, tomorrow will even be better, a positive grip on life makes that belief an easier reality!

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