Friday, February 2, 2024

Where did it go?

 There are so many things trying to take over my brain right now

System overload involving Friday, the upcoming weekend

Not much room for negativity

Just staying with the basics and what I do best

I have dreams again about my former life

Taking me back to places and times. 

When things were normal and there was a routine

Only to wake up to the chaotic questions

It doesn't seem odd for me to go back in time

Too many good life experiences and fond memories

It was a better life with a world so small

A look across the table said it all

There was so much love that we shared

Funny stupid comments that we understood so well

To be be called dumb was a smart thing

Who can forget Frankie Frankfurter and the peeenut man

With life's complexities we lived a simple life

So much thought and passion went into our days

The end results don't indicate this world I owned

These results and actions have left me empty and alone.

I wonder if she's watching

I wonder if she cares

The struggles and the pains we both feel

And now I've fallen down the stairs

When I look up to the life I've left behind

I see the layers of degradation

My mind, my body and soul have left me

And I don't know where it all went

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