Friday, February 2, 2024

Shine the light

 I'm not going to pull any punches here

I'm at a point where I can't put one thought next to another

This mind numbing madness is getting the best of me

This seems so much more than depression

Depression makes people want to wear a bullet

I don't feel worthy of the 60 cents to spend

Makes me wonder why more people don't take their own lives

I could never do it, I'm much too vain

I miss so much of my former life

The love, comfort and warmth

To know someone loves you so much

And that I loved her back even more

The earth shattering emptiness inside

It's like an empty arena with room for thoughts

They're the thoughts that put people in the ground

They're the reason I must fight this fight

I know I miss my family so much

It saddens me to overthink it's magnitude on me

There's something in this to be learned

If there is I can't wait too much longer

Reassure me that there is a bright light up the road

A beacon that shines hope and some lasting peace

A sign that tells me she's going to be alright

And that I'm around to see her joy again

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