Thursday, September 14, 2017

Thought Of The Day!

Everyday I wake up to a new sense of purpose, not knowing what that is but I do know there is something in this day that will create an idea, a thought , a memory a spiritual  or physical sensation. As I go through my days I'm in constant thought and mind numbing meandering with myself. I will have a thought and forget to about it, or forget to write it down. SO I just got a new phone, has a stylus and am able to jot down random thoughts as they occur to me. So instead of waiting until I have something to say, I will write them down as they occur to me. Was having a conversation with co-workers this morning in office, nonsensical gibberish as usual, me included! And thoughts ran through my mind as we were talking. So these Thoughts ran through my mind

"Courage is the strength to know it's ok to fail"

"The exception should be the rule"

"Anything worth having must be shared"

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