Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Run To This Page!

Seems so odd to me to think, the one place I run and hide, or run and cry is here, the daily toils of life ,family and work all come to fruition  here for some reason. During the days of normal conversations with my wife, my coworkers or my boys I always have that meter running in my head, when does the thik tank become to full to operate as normal and be good for the next conversation that will come up? The tank is full today and I unleash my fury upon this page this morning! So here i am a day or so away from a disturbing phone call from my boy Ty in Kuwait, a very sad broken down, scared 20 year old voice of his proclaiming he is on alert for the Syrian crisis that is current to our world and in a tearful voice, says his premature Goodbyes to me! I say Son, thats not necessary, you have a job to do and you will do it, with a positive demaeanor and a can do attitide you will use your training and get back to where you belong...home with your daughter and wife...soon enough! Well that voice of his echoed in my brain for a day or so and here I am today writing about how it bothers me still to think that he feels alone and vulnerable and is truly earning his money today, his new home and his new truck are coming at a price today  and he is too young to realize that nothing comes for free, to include the freedoms that we as Americans are blessed with. So I finisged up with Ty and told him that we are proud of him and all that he has accomplished in his young life and should God take him away from us then that is a plan that we can never over ride and that your baby will always kw who you are and what you were about! The mere fact that being a parent never goes away , it never stops or takes vacations it can come in the misddle of the night or like last night a 1:38 am phone call missed to the evenings sleep.  My thoughts go out to all of the families that are feeling the pinch right now with their loved ones possibly going to battle, or the future battle that will ensue because of this one. Today being 9-11-13 brings about a heightened sense of vulnerability. moreso since George W. not terrorost brought down the planes and buildings and sold it to justify their own wars that followed. money making machines of contracted work and Halliburtons abounding we are the puppets of their strings and can do nothing about them, they are too many to vote out, the minions are all over ,right and left special interest politics are the rules of the day pasyt and present..see JFK, Pearl Harbor,9-11 and the next created atrocity that our Govt. tries to package as reality.

So with all of the weirdness, with all of the uncertainty in the world today I can only hope that my tank is emtied so that i can make room for another thought, another dream and another conversation that doesn't overwhelm my thought process. Here I sit coming to my wailing wall of thoughts and personal issues that essentially are life and daily occurences but being the life police that i have taken on for myself, I listen , i hear I try to help even if at the risk of filling up the tolerance tanks of my mind in the process I over load and burden myself at times and can only hope to self govern a bit better these days and put into perspective the idea that I can't change the world or even make a dent in the can, i can n't reconstruct the broken towers of life skills and understanding, i can't always hear the words and act upon with proper behavior or advise..for i am as flawed as the next guy and have nowhere to run, and no place to hide so i climb atop the The Saurus express and spew my spirits and unload my dirty laundry in the hopes of finding a clearer path the the impending uncertainties! Good Days, Good times and Good Luck!  

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