Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Impatient Intolerance!

I'm running out of answers
for the questions yet asked
I have no tolerance or patience
for even a simple task

I runaway to this page
to escape the worldy vibe
So brave yet so foolish
And ashamed that i have to hide

A husband and father
A grandfather as well
issues all around this tree
Should be heaven, but feels like Hell

Stuck on Stupid stuck on stupid stuck on stupid
A blow to set it free
a vacancy in a trailer park
Christmas morning all over again

Simplicity versus complexity
I try not to choose
the choice is made ,I've made the grade
I have too much to lose

Why am i so judgemental
and so hard on the rest
I've raised the bar,or try too hard
and they keep failing the test

Is is youthful ignorance
Social indifference
maniacle intolerance
to this fast food drive thru world

when in doubt, i write
When i shout I don't hear
When i listen I learn
When i learn I grow

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