Friday, August 2, 2013


Today is the third non pay furlough day that the feds have imposed us us federal workers, I don't mind paying my taxes or even not getting cost of living increases for the past 5 years, I do mind that not one politician or supposed peoples servants are not missing out on a days pay and have  received self imposed cost of living increases across the board. This may explain why I have never registered to vote or care to for that matter, the privilege is no longer that ,its an albatross across the necks of taxpayers who are burdened with corruption and deceit and must take the blame for this  as they put these assholes in office and are as accountable for them as they are their own kids...fuck the system and those who say non voters have no say, well believe that if you may but I can honestly say I had nothing to do with this. Oh and if I hear but your vote can change this...REALLY!!!!  It s the perception that makes us believe we can make a difference, with a government that had Pearl Harbor, 9-11 and the JFK assassination under their belts of corruption and can convince me that a congressman or even the President shouldn't be held accountable as the people who voted them in...Really???? I don't trust and thankfully this furlough doesn't cripple my household as it has done to many thousands of federal workers, yeah the house and senate want to save the millionaires from paying their taxes and allows over seas accounts to launder that money for tax purposes yet we, johnny lunch pale middle class are asked to foot the fucking bill by paying28-32% taxes while Warren Buffet and Trump Cock sucker pay 15%  yeah real equity there ball washers! Warren Buffet even went on record as saying he is all for higher taxes on the rich, it ain't going to kill the the rich, but greed and special interests win out as always and that's what we are supposed to accept as an OK thing... Fuck the people who think this is acceptable and Republicans and Democrats look out ,a third more progressive party is on the way trust me, people might actually get it right, the Republicans can put down their bibles and their anti abortion cries and the Dems can stop giving shit away and saving all mankind . Ok ,I totally done with this Rant thing and off to the movies to settle down.Can Rev it up later with a mach 2 moto ride ...jk So off today helping to pay off another Govt Halliburtenesque contractor.Good Times!

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