Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Yeah It's Like That

Where do I begin when I try to talk about work and all that goes on there, or all that doesn't go on during a given day. It is a joke and my coworkers are all comical save for the few that i actually can have a conversation with and are coherent in which to do so. Working for the Government for 24 years now has proven to be the best and biggest joke in my life, thankfully the Govt overpays and allows me to do my thing, the comedy, the world class customer service and giving my military servants the best that i have, but while doing so I can laugh and make people laugh and make the days tolerable even while some of my co-workers are less than stellar ,when they show up and are not intoxicated or pepped up on Oxy!!!! Nonetheless its a good living with great benefits but I have to stop at times and try to find something productive to do in between customers,phone calls and any incidentals that pass my way.

The rest of my life is status quo, very good, the gym is amazingly still there, my friend Dexter is healing nicely from his his twin surgeries on his knees and all is getting better for him. The motorcycle is shaping up nicely and loving the great weather and riding is amazing right now, new tires around the corner and looking forward to the days ahead, great weather, clear roads and high speeds. All things considered the life of Riley whatever the hell that means. Been doing quite allot of baking lately, 3 cakes last weekend and one more tonight for a going away for a Good co-worker of mine who i will actually miss, wish others would take his place and fly the fuck away but thats wishful unrealistic thinking on my part. Terria ready for school to start again and ready for year 26 or 27 lost count , i'm looking at making it through the next Govt sequester ,assholes are taking 11 days away from us and its whatever  but one less vacation won't kills us and there are so many that are so much worse off than we ever will be so i count the blessings and take what the man has given us and be thankful for all of it. So tomorrow is the end of another work week and look forward to another 3 day weekend and more rides and more gym more home cooked meals and more bullshit and laughs abounding! Life is grand ,The Boys are well the grandaughter  is amazing and we miss her after just seeing her 2-3 weeks ago. Oh well ,we are looking forward to a great weeknd with family and my best friend Scott on Sunday, good times and good night!

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