Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Time Never Stands Still

Thinking about life and about what the world has become and where the future of the country will lead us? With each day brings a new victory and tragedy, reading the paper and watching the news brings only a snap shot of what is really going on in our world. Most recently Boston, next? who knows what terror will rain down upon some unsuspecting soul who tries to go about their business and walks into a timebomb off uncertainty. So sad yet so true to live this way and fear what is around the corner, human nature has become naturally mean spirited and self serving agendas of right wing christianity of forcing their dominion and judgemental ways upon the Gay, the Foreigner and anybody who doesn't feel excactly the way that they do about lifes issues. Living through this political mess of right versus left and nobody workig together to help solve the issues at hand. Stuck in a revolutionary mindset of fear of people taking away our guns and taking away our rights, we are doing that all by ourselves and not being responisble for the freedoms that we as Americans possess. Yet we trudge along in the hopes to make a difference one day at a time and loom beyond the narrow minded judgement afflicted fools who want a carbon copy of themselves everyhwere in order to be happy. I tire at societies lack of ownership of their lives, looking for free reign to blame and point eh fingers, society has deemed this as normal behavior and the slackers carry on the torch their lack of accountability and pride in their lives. You can be rich and be a poor excuse for a human being , and yet be poor and be rich with love and understanding of what life is all about.

Time does not stand still  and will carry on with or without us, each day passing takes away an opportunity to do something, to make a difference and to love and be loved, tired of all of the world negativity i have made my world very very small and meaningful. My love Terria and I have reached that point of understanding what is important in life, not the trips or the new cars and motorcycles, the at times frivilous way of living, no we understand what love and caring is all about, to love and to hear and listen,to care and to nurture, to be there when we don't always feel our best. Life is now about that small square we live in family, granddaughter and every day is a holiday whatever we are doing. We have been blessed with Aubrey, the baby is over her first birthday and on her way to her second  and in anew state with mommy and daddy and living the dream of a military family and fighting the fight for their everyday. Being told that our other boy will be making us grandparents make us smile and gives us another precious thing to love and adore and to teach and love unconditionally as we do Aubrey and each other. Yes time  changes and we learn something new everyday and enjoy whatever it has to bring, resilience and understanding that there are no unhittable curveballs in this life but stress and bad health. so we forge onward  in making everything better and leave our world open to the change it is bringing us. The winds of change blow heavily today and the world is not always a  good place to be yet in spite of this mess we walk around it all and find our peace within ourselves and share that goodness with each other and look around and feel bad for the rest who choose to be bitter, angry and at odds with the world for some unknown reason. We are in a great place and don't expect to ever change that, life is great and thank God for giving us all the strength to realize what is real and what is not, to change the things that we can and let those that we can't go away. The days are moving quickly and we must do the same to keep the pace, but I must stop and smell the roses in this world because the dirt comes upon you before you realize.   

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