Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Sad Goodbye and Plans Ahead

Tonight we will enjoy our last night with our Boy and grandaughter Aubrey, tomorrow they will be on the road to duty station #1 amongst many we assume, this particular one will  send them to colorado springs and not too far for grandma and Grandpa to take a trip once every other month to visit baby Aubs and the kids! It's been an action packed month of Baby aubrey and taking pictures and making breakfasts and dinners for our baby, shopping for shoes and clothing for the precious little girl who has made our lives so meaningful and so fulfilling to say the least. So  a sense of sadness is sinking in and we will be trying to understand that our daily dose of baby Aubrey Sue will be coming to an abrupt end, now we can skype and tango in between visits to see them in Colorado.

As for Terria and I, the body ages on a daily basis, her knee again and my sciatica and lower back issues that will both require surgeries to alleviate the pains and discomfort that we both go through on a daily basis.  Age and constant use have taken their toll but a trip to my orthopedic this morning has made it more real for me to get this thing done, another visit tpo the operating surgeon will help me decide when  this procedure will be done, sooner than later and will have to wait at least until after we go visit Braz in Hawaii for his knee surgery the end of April, not my idea of fun doing Hawaii but supporting my boy with Terria for his bout with surgery, and yes i must e the only guy to bitch about a trip to Hawaii but not my thing, to me paradise is SoCal and motorcycle rides and track  days and living in the sun 340 days out of the year without the touristy hustle and bustle of the Asian invasion and the outward hurried pushiness that will ensue. I will tour Pearl Harbor and eat some fresh seafood, but a mere 5 days will be more than enough to support the boy and kiss him goodbye and head back to my idea of paradise with Terria in tow to get back to normalcy of work, school, gym,play hard and get healthier every single day.

Things are actually progressing as they should these days, the back and body issues are all fixable and will be done, the bike is running amazing right now, the new shocks and springs are halping me to get back to and beyond where I was a  few years ago and Brandon and I are planning a track day to let it rip and give it hell in a safer environment where if u crash you generally don't die, just slide awhile and a leather suit absorbs all of that drama instead f a guardrail or oncoming vehicle. Brandon is working on getting is bike track ready, mine is ready now and cannot wait to take it to the place wher eit was designed to safely go hard and fast. My new GoPro camera will capture the videos and allow me to watch and learn and get faster in between each session. so this I am really looking forward to and will try to get that done before the weather starts to warm up to unbearable temperatures. The tracks being in hot places like ?rosemond outside of Lancaster then there is buttonwillow near Bakersfield and the othe rone is Chuckwalla near Palm springs ,so doing it before the motnh of June might be best I would say!!!!! Other than that we will keep our heads on a swivel and our lives to the grinder and keep plugging away and live each day happier then the next

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