Wednesday, February 27, 2013

What's it All About?

I question so much, so many!
never have an answer or nary a clue
I get so excited when i get so close
yet the realities of living,throw me off course
My confusion, my dilussions  my ever changing conclusions
So i ask again, How ,what and Why ?

What's it all about?
Time cards, coffee break
Long drives for lunch
A ride to the gym for a swim
I love you and miss you
I need to make love to you?
can't wait to cook for you
As long as it's before 7 pm.

Is it about working, playing
loving, living, dying
trying to not die before our time
Don't want to miss a thing
coulda woulda shoulda will never be!

Is is the trivial bullshit, the complaints on deaf ears
The teaching to the deaf and dumb
societies dead  sea of youthful ignorance
never growing , never rising
above the stages of infantile retardation
mental midgetry, our future sucks!

So whats it all about again
The bank book,tax check,feed the dogs
shopping trips, online purchases and ebay at my touch
Work so hard to work so little
bringing home the bacon and actually cooking it well!
Pleasures and pains of reality ,i like pain
but i prefer more pleasure!
So you pleasure me, or I'll pleasure myself
with or without you, I like pleasure

Sleeping with the Television on
a diversion or aspersion
What do i try to run from,or run towards
tomorrows coming and i can't wait, yet i miss yeterdays lesson
So i teach and learn at the same time

My baby cries, my heart cries louder
my frustrations and pains i wear on my sleeve
My outward taunts of lessons learned
I bite my tongue while swallowing my words
my boys , my girls are confusing me so
I reach out to a fistful of air
i care too much and have no power
my powers within are useless to everybody but myself
my biggest fan is truly myself
My soapbox crumbled at my feet.

so what is truly all about
A Baseball game, a motorcycle ride?
love in my heart and in my home
a mortgage payment and an insurance agent
world class customer service
or the nasty receptionist who hates her life!

Sorting it all out I ponder the outcomes
of politics and people lives that don't seem to matter
Sequester this and fuck you too
The votes are in and nobody cares.
what's tomorrows value forecast
abysmal,dysmal,cloudy and 72 degrees.

Overthinking ,patience shrinking
wonder when it all comes to light
Happiness does not love company
so my chosen few We bundle tight.
The realization of my tied hands
make me angry yet I agree
To walk the walk ,talk the talk
And toe the line in the wake of happiness.

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