Monday, August 6, 2012

TY Boy

We watched our youngest boy Ty join the ranks of US Army today, shipped off from the recruiters office too LA where we will watch him be sworn in tomorrow and then he heads off to Fort Sill Oklahoma for basic training. He leaves behind for now his wife and our precious grandaughter Aubrey til they reunite after his training school following Boot camp. Feeling a little odd at walking wawy from ty today, knowing his life will soon change and he will be thrust into the ranks of the warriors as his brother has before him. We are very proud of the boys, all three of them, all in different staged of their lives and growth as young adults as watching Ty hold his baby and sit next to mom and his wife Mandy make me think how important that family truly is. Tomorrow we will drive to LA and watch him be finally sworn in and then he heads to the airport for his trip to Oklahoma for basic training and the road to his ultimate duty station where he will be reunited with Mandy and Aubrey. When Braz went in he went in with his now former wife and had a goal in hand to see his wife everyday during their trianing, Ty will be out there alone thinking about his baby and his wife and that might hurt him quite a bit. But the bottom line is that they are there for a job and will do fine and stay focused on the task at hand, mom and dad will worry and think about him as we do with Braz. Very proud right now that we have 2 boys representing the Army and supporting their respective families any way they can. So we will say goodbye tomorrow to Ty and wish him the best and know he is doing the right thing... Go get em kid!

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