Monday, August 20, 2012

Losing Patience

Nearly 2 weeks ago Tim went in for a few procedures to try to save his arm, it all worked very well and the cures for this may have created other issues of bleeding in his stomach area. 2 procedures and no success later Tim still lies in bed waiting for a procedure to get in there and stop the bleeding and have failed in 2 attempts and have pushed the third back twice now and will re-schedule in for a few days more. So 2 weeks and some progress has occurred and we still wait for something to turn around and stop the bad aneurysm in hi stomach and make it all work as it did before. The medical field being amazing as it can be has failed him in a sense and has given us all a false sense of security that this procedure to get in and fix the leaks and bad veins has left us all in a state of flux. Losing patience with the Kaiser crew who after attempt #2 moved him to another Kaiser facility to make a better attempt at the procedure. So going on 2 weeks and some good news bad news scenarios are in effect, tired and concerned about Tim's recovery, state of mind and overall health and well-being after all is said and done. We keep a high hope vigil and keep the positive thoughts and prayers for a good result! Today marked the first day of school for Terria and another school year has rolled down the pike for 2012. All ready and willing to start the year with new students and issues that teachers deal with yearly she prepared all summer with a bum achilles tendon and an impending surgery to repair the frayed achilles. Should be an easy procedure and we are sure that she will bounce back after a 6 week stint in her boot, which she has worn the past 2 plus months during a therapeutic stint to alleviate the surgery, well that didn't work and we are set for an August 31 surgery date to repair her damaged Achilles tendon. This didn't stop her from doing a trip to Salt Lake City and a trip To Dallas, and Houston this past month, like a trooper she came through like a champ and hobbled around in her boot and never complained at all! So a new school year is upon us and new things are popping up everywhere with the boys, the grand baby and the world around us that constantly evolves and the hopes to evolve with it in a positive way. So here we are all relatively healthy, happy and just trying to make each day a great event and prepare for the following day and do it all over again. We are in a good place and move toward the new challenges ahead with excitement and interest. Good times for sure! get better Tim and Rock on Terria , somebody give me a shot for the damn Sciatic nerve that screams at me tonight!!!!

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