Thursday, August 9, 2012


Been a rough few weeks for my brother in law Tim and my sister April, THe ongoing numbness in his right arm had many blockages and arteries that were no longer working and the arm was dying as there was no blood flow to keep it moving. After a month of prolonged Kaiser care and tests after test and seemingly nothing being done, they come up with "you will lose your arm" diagnosis. We shriek in anger at the medical practices of hurry up and wait and a month goes by and it only worsens along with the blood flow. So Tim and April along with the rest of us are disconsolate at the thoughts of our Tim being unable to Golf and Bowl and do the things he loves to do? We were at our wits end and another procedure was tombe tried, injecting artery cleaner and hoe that the blockages would unload and allow blood flow to get the the proper places, well this morning there was activity and flow through the arm and there is a good chance that they will be able to bypass and give Tim's right arm the blood flow it needs and there is a good chance he will keep his arm if the good fortunes continue. So a whirlwind of 24 hours of not knowing what the hell was going to happen, the magic of drugs and medicine is only as good as those who administer it and how aggressive they choose to be! Well I shouldn't complain at this point but there is much to be said about the medical industry, for all the great things they do they do make mistakes and think that they are Gods with their ego, the Dr's that is egomaniacs on one hand and yet have the ability and knowledge to change people lives if they can only get out of their egos way. Thank God for stepping in and giving Tim a chance to continue his wonderful lifestyle and carefree ways and fight like an SOB my brother!!!!

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