Friday, July 13, 2018


Woke up inspired today
not sure if it was ..
waking up!, good dreams , or much needed sleep
just felt a sense of purpose as I hopped into the shower

As I move along in this day I call Friday
wife is coming home from a  4 day trip
no plans just to embrace and reflect my loneliness without her
and it will go away when she comes home!

my inspiration comes from many sides these days
multi-faceted endeavors of people, places, events
photographs of people and things I don't know
freedom to live and learn through others perspectives and mistakes

yes my wonderful wife is coming home tonight
bring back normalcy that freedom from company threatens
my own perspective regained and embraced
how fortunate am I? and sometime I can  realize this very fact

yes I woke up inspired today
just like every other day, but today is new
just like tomorrow will be new to me as well
I will look back and dwell, could I have done better?

Inspiration is my appreciation
fulfillment is my platform
and making a difference is my dream
will you listen and hear what others have to say?

There are givers and takers in this life
there are acceptors and donors in the world
If I'm taking more than I give
I'm a waste to humanity and just like everybody else!

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