Thursday, November 30, 2017

Can I make a difference?

I woke up today tired, sore and weary
Feeling a bit out of sorts
so I tried to change my personal culture
and opted to seek out solace.

Simple things and simple pleasures
A courtyard Busker with a beautiful voice
A dad sings to his daughter while driving her to school
A daughter asks her stepfather to be her dad

Life captured on a YouTube video
Happiness is easy to be found
so too is misery and pains all around us
The daily news and Racist in chief

I live my days to make a difference
to the ones' I know and to those I have yet to meet
What difference can I make?
what powers do I have?

I listen to a young girls dilemma
fatherly advice for one not my own
did it make a difference in her day?
I truly doubt a word was absorbed!

Yes the simple things I adore and admire
the things that make a cruel world tolerable to me
the obvious family and friends are ever-present
My music on a ride or in the car

I sing aloud and dream so real
my stage is a day like today and tomorrow
my picture book of my little ones
reminders that life so young and so very innocent

I see the same homeless gals at the corner of Ventura road
one at Channel Islands and the other at the Wagon wheel rd.
On occasion I give them what I have to make it through the day
did I give for them or for the fact that it's not me ?

guilt is a cruel relentless monster
plans and actions gone wrong and knowing that they did
creating doubts of who I am and who we are
As another hypocrite walks across my door

My mother always told me ,"be nice to everyone"
I never understood it until adulthood
See, not everybody has been kind or nice to me
rude belligerent and cruel at times.

I wondered why be nice to assholes and pricks
I hear my mothers voice in my ears
why must I be kind to hurtful people?
because that's somebody else's kid who was raised so wrong

Don't repeat that which I hate
It's always easy to denigrate
With a sharp tongue and a brighter wit
I grown up now and have learned when to quit

my aching shoulder is better now
I unload the burdens that I try to carry
the world is, what it is truly capable of being
a treasure chest of God Help us all!

My simple pleasures in that catchy song
I sing along and feel the warmth
The sad cruel world around me now
Can never diminish the small world where I live

Not much matters in the end
we hold on tight to what we can
so much is beyond our scope and reach
but our faith ,our love and our souls to keep!

Make a difference if you can
care for something or somebody other than yourself
The golden rule of living life
don't expect what you're not willing to give!

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