Tuesday, June 2, 2015


When saying goodbye is not an option
Saying Hello has come and gone
I savor the moments of the days
When they will cease from existing

Memories are my words
thoughts are my sentences
A bitter sweet feeling inside
That doesn't always make much sense

I will carry this torch that eternally burns
Life's lessons and spiritual awareness
Living life by examples not words
Not passing judgment but extending a hand

Being different means opportunities
to grow and understand what life truly means
School was always in session
for the life's lessons were so well taught

As we await the passing of my mother
the sadness, gladness and often conflicting feelings
I won't say goodbye, or see you soon
But carry on the through life's lessons taught

How do you express your love
how can I say thank you Mom
how many wasted bitter years
that make so much sense today

This journey to another era
when anger and discontent was my friend
It means so much to me today
because I understand why it happened this way

Thanks again mom
for teaching me how to be a man
thank you for teaching me how to love
and allow others to love me back

God blessed us all with your love
your maternal gifts that we can now pay forward
Your work is done, now time for fun
Go rest and soothe your tired body

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