Monday, May 4, 2015

What Ever Happened To.......?

There was a time
When I could walk out outside
And be prepared to be dazzled, amazed or even overwhelmed
but now, All I see and feel is underachievement

There was a time when you could stop a kid
Have a conversation!
"How you doing kid???"
but today a blank stare looks up from an iPhone

It used to be, that respect was not a street term
Now it keeps you alive at a stop light
there was a time when you grumbled at kids noises
Now the silence is broken by War Games on the Xbox

I can vaguely remember looking out for kids while driving
Now I look out for Adults stumbling into the streets
Whatever happened to the Baseball game sin the street
Fantasy baseball has taken it's place

Trying to make some sense of it all
I wonder how this so- called evolving world
Has taken so many steps to the rear
that history repeating itself would be an upward move

The simple minded and self absorbed
The social media whores and Pimps
Look at me , hear me , see me at all costs
It's only interesting to them because they say they are

What ever happened to personality and character
Honesty and intrigue in our make up
digital clones never walking alone
But always in style and fashion

What ever happened to men being men
Skinny jeans and fashion statements
The girls all trying to be Paris and  Kim
Easy targets and no substance.

And when do the flood gates ever close
Idiocy and oversimplifications of a complex world
Should I tweet, Facebook or Snap it now
Because the world can't wait for one more stupid tweet

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