Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Humdrum Humpday

As I sit here at work tapping on the keys to nowhere, i await the final bell that sends me homeward. today for some reason has been less than stellar and for no apparent reason it just has been one of those humdrum days with no beginning or no end...just a day.  As i left for work today i grab my keys , my wallet , my phone, all adfter taking my morning meds and a big swig of el rio Tap waters' finest brew. I hea dout the door turn the truck key over and blow myself out of the water with my ipod  and stereo in the high on position, I scurry to turn it off, rub my eyes and then try to find the volume to try to salvage a few years of oratory pleasure still left in my life. Driving to work i check my wallet to ensure myself that i didn't leave my work access badge in my computer yet again..I check and its there, i drive on another mile or two and realize that my lunch was not one of the things I grabbed after the keys , the wallet and the phone. That 3 item sequence that throws me off ewverytime i vary from it in the least bit, yesterday it was the wallet,keys,phone  thus forgetting the Adam Carolla book I'm trying to finish so that i can read his next book. This goddamn sequence of habit that plagues me, on days when i take cookies in or a cake or whatever it is i concoct for the co workers i will always have to stop and do the damn s equence in my head,so anything more than the big 3 items usualy get left behind. So todays victim was my lunch and my appetite, the great pork slow raosted peel apart ,amazing roast that terria made for dinner last night that I was so much lookig forward to is now in the dark cold  waiting to be devoured for dinner! So thats how the day got started with a clusterfuckian attempt to try to get the days started right i did not nail the dismount i call getting ready for work, was ever 10 minutes late to boot but thats another irresponsibility I can tackle at another time.Well i'm here and thats all that matters but leaving my sick wife home with an aching gutteral region i feel bad and asked myself should I stay home and take  care of her? i opted for the clusterfuckian method and here i am.

So, here in the afternoon at work no more or no less going on since the morning session of nothingness but the time clock going slower each minute as it appears to me. I was jusy looking back on this past weekend ride and flat tire as i careened through the canyons at a very brisk pace...ok fast pace and feel an unfamiliar unsettling feeling on the bike, try to make the last turn and the bike doesnt want to lean over ,so i make it lean over get on the gas and the bike pogos at about 85 mph which tells me i have a tire loosing air and i need to stop this damn this now! I end up slowing it down bfore i really stomp on the binders to stop, walked it to the safest side of the road about 200 yards away and breath a sigh of relief. i stop, called the wife, no signal so i text the wife and she then dispenses our oldest boy to drive the 35 miles to where i am, load me up and bring us both home . Went to the motorcycle shop to et a new tire brought the old tire and rim in the shop, bought the tire and 10 minutes later i wa sheaded home to a new wheel tire combo and feeling good agai about the day, My boy installed it while i went back to work and that was that, treated him to lunch for his troubles and look forward to  changing my oil on the bike and then scrubbing in the new rear tire on a ride somewhere soon. Down to the last hour and feeling the clock somewhat speed up in the past hour or so, trying to get out of here , go to the gym, then head home to tend to my ailing wife and make her feel better quickly.

I'm not writing as much lately and have no rational for not doing so, i have aload of things to talk about , some rants andraves but not as vocal as i used to be, will tweet my 140 characters instead and give people the benefit of the Readers Digest Version of the gregasaurian rant and not overwhelm with my verbose opinionated nature,i honest don't care but maybe it takes too much energy to try to make a point anymore and nobody really cares about anything real or poingnant these days , they all live in a fast food world and a reality show fantasy to believe what they are told and the  Republicans continue to be racist hate mongers and blah blah blah! So i'm headed to the gym in a bit, going to do a great pool workout, say hey to my buds at the gym ansd head home to hang out with the coolest woman I know!!!!!! Good times

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