Friday, January 4, 2013

50 Today! Happy Birthday To me

Today is a very special day for me, not only because it's my birthday or even because it's my 50th birthday, but because I never in my wildest dreams thought I would reach this day in the grand scheme of things. Being a free spirit and do whatever I want kind of person i have always treaded on thin ice with my bad decisions, hobbies which put me in harms way and a life style of promiscuity which has thankfully has not bitten me in the Ass and allowed me to walk away from that unscathed. to be young and dumb and make bad decisions is one thing, but as a  50 year old still rising motorcycles fast knowing trouble could always be around the next corner, so maybe not fully grown up, or not afraid to die.?

I have truly been blessed with a great family, great wife and kids and a support system that people only dream of!  Yes life at 50 is no different for me than anytime in my life, always trying to live a good life wit things and stuff and all that other meaningless stuff that we at times give a shit about, well since growing up in my early 30's i have come to relaize that the only constants in my life are my family and my belief in God, everything else truly doesn't matter at the end of the mirrors reflection I see what i truly know is important!

As i said today marks a new day for me a rebirth in a sense to move forward froma place that I never thoyght I would get to, but now that I'm here I'm essentially playing with house moey and feel like i need to make an effort to make this life count and make a difference to those in my life that matter so much! As per usual I don't ever tend to make a fuss about myself or my birthdays just tend to assume the position of I'm better than that and let the day proceed as usual. Well today is here and no fanfare at work, thank you! no fanfare at homee as well, the congratulatory texts and emails have come in and very nice to be remembered in a low key sort of way and thats all I ever ask for, thankfully this year people have heard my wishes for tranquility , no party, no celebrations just a quiet dinner with my wife Terria and thats the way it will be.

I can hear my old therapist Michael asking me,"Greg, why don't you want a party for your birthday"? do you not feel worthy again of any sort of accolades directed at you? I still say no and for my own reasons don't ever treat this day any different, thats just me , most of my coworkers celebrate and take the day off and thats cool for them but not my style at all. I am who i am and different than most, that truly makes me feel special for the mere fact that I'm different and that I'm true to my own beliefs with as little fanfare and screaming as possible. so as it turns out, i'm happy to be where I am and truly blessed to live the life I have lived to date, I will celebrate today like i do every other day, with much appreciation and hope that the next day will be as peaceful as today. Thanks to all of my family, few friends and everybody who loves me and that i love back...Good Times and Blessed Days!!!!!

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