Saturday, November 3, 2012

Time To Catch Up

Another really good start to a weekend, a really good nights sleep, a late wake up call and a trip to the gym. The gym is my friend again after nearly a month off with my back and sciatica issues. But back with a vengeance and feeling good about a new program I have started and hope that will jump start some better results for 2012 -2013. But with my sciatica and allot of hard work by my chiropractor and 3 epidurals , my back was in bad shape. I guess driving 3700 miles in a smallish car with few breaks to stretch out didn't help my backs compression too much did it.

After having gone through the worst time of my life with my back, and being essentially not myself for 3 months and not being able to sleep or essentially walk very well for 2 1/2months I am very appreciative and feel so damn good in comparison to where I was just 4 weeks ago. Just finishing up y 3rd epidural shot last Thursday  for touch up purposes I probably could have gone without it but I anted every bit of the inflammation to be gone. So here I am a few days later and feeling better minute by minute.

Dilemmas abound, well not real dilemmas but things to think about either way. Terria is trying to plan my 50th birthday party somewhere, somehow ,someway and I'm not totally behind the project, very appreciative of the love she wants to show I am being selfish and keep hinting at a new motorcycle but understand her reluctance to put me on a another motorcycle after my crash 3 years ago. But with that I am blessed and very happy that she wants to do something nice for me, me being me just wants what I want when I want it and that's really somewhat childish on my part but what am I supposed to do?  So either way I will turn 50 on January 4 of 2013 and really cannot believe that fact at all ,it is true but I feel so emotionally young and so refreshed spiritually and refuse to get old upstairs, the body will do what the body will do and that's something I attend to gym to slow down the aging process,not stop it just maintain the active lifestyle that you have always wanted in the golden years, not wheelchairs,scooters and canes and all that diaper crap that scares the shit out of me to no end...pardon that pun please.

Really been trying to find my next book to read and have taken way too much time here from my writing so I make an attempt to think about things I want to share, and things that I can share without divulging way too much information about myself ,hence the reason that I chose not to write my book was that it would hurt too many, expose too much and do very few people any positive effects other than myself and the satisfaction of completing a tell all story about me, pretty self serving and really not worth it in the end result by exposing not only myself but allot of people and ruthless acts that I have been part of...til I can write again..goodnight and good times!

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